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"I AINT GOT NO TYPE, BAD B*CHES ARE THE ONLY THING THAT I LIKE, YOU AINT GOT NO LI-" I hit my alarm as I herd the song no type came on. I rolled over and tried to go back to sleep but then I heard someone banging on my door.

"JASON GET YOUR BUTT INTO THE LIVING ROOM NOW WE HAVE A GANG MEETING" my brother Alex said with a hint of panic in his voice I groaned,got up, and put on my basket ball shorts and my white v-neck.

When I got down stairs Alfredo,Chaz,and Ryan were looking at there feet and Alex was glaring at them like he wanted to strangle them. Meanwhile the rest of the crew felt uncomfortable they kept shifting from feet to feet.

"So what's up?" I said looking at Alex.

"Hey Ryan would you like to tell Jason what you have known for 9 MONTHS NOW" Alex said clearly ticked off at something.

"Well um J-j-Jason you know how we go to school?" Ryan said stuttering I nodded Fredo,Ryan, and Chaz go to school because no one knows they are in a gang so they thought they should keep studying and sh*t.

"Yeah what about it" I said lifting up one of my eyebrows.

"Well we have a friend named Justin and he has a friend named Ariana and we found out she was your sister because she looks like you and Alex so we did some research and she is her name is Ariana Drew McCann Grande and when your parents were killed your mom put her in a closet and now she lives with your Aunt Sophie" Ryan said all this with one breath. I just stared I couldn't believe this I have a sister. I was getting mad because they didn't tell me wtf. But wait I have a sister....WHAT???

A/C Sorry it was short I will write more can you guys please comment what you think thank ily all p.s. Longer chapters coming soon😘😉

"The McCann's"Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora