"What do you want?" Poland asked, trying not to sound angry. Russia shrugged indifferently. "Nothing special." He sat beside him as if he didn't push Poland's face down the toilet yesterday. Poland waited for an apology, but all he got was silence. So he decided to ask what he really wanted to know. "Why did you start bullying me?"

Russia didn't answer. Instead, he just stared at Poland. For a moment, Poland thought he was going to attack him again, but at that exact moment, the teacher entered the room. "Okay everyone! Please take your seats!" The students quickly obeyed and took their places. Poland watched them leave, while Russia remained sitting next to him. "The way you always look at my brother Ukraine is disgusting" Russia suddenly whispered into his ear. Poland jumped in surprise, but quickly regained control of himself. "What?"

But the taller teenager just had the same unreadable expression on his face. "Did you think I wouldn't notice that you turned into a faggot?" he sneered in a low voice, so nobody else would hear. Poland's eyes widened in shock. "How dare you call me a-"

Poland was interrupted as the teacher looked in their direction. "Now now! We don't have time for this today. Also, aren't you pretty late Poland? Again? I should give you detention for being late."

He couldn't believe his ears. "I just-" But Russia silenced him with a cold stare. Poland gritted his teeth as he shut his mouth.


Russia never really liked Poland much. The reason why he befriended him in the first place was because his father forced him to talk to him in Kindergarten. After Soviet was out of sight, Poland was left alone most of the time as Russia had no interest in playing with him.

As Russia grew up he found out his father only wanted Russia to befriend Poland as Poland's dad and Soviet had a complicated history together. Soviet felt forced to somehow make it up to his father by doing something nice for Poland.

But after some time, Russia began to realize how annoying Poland could be. He wasn't like the other kids, he would always get hyperfocused on some weird anime or game, he didn't like sports game such as Russia did, and worst of all, he was a homosexual. Russia only noticed the last aspect much later, but it should have been obvious from the start as Poland came up to him asking to play dolls together.

It was absolutely disgusting in Russia's eyes. The way the Christian cross necklace would tangle down from Poland's neck while he was watching Ukraine with lovestruck eyes. The fact that Ukraine was Russia's brother only made it worse for Russia. It was obvious to anyone who knew both boys that Poland was gay. And yet, Poland seemed to be completely oblivious to it.

Poland would also often tell Russia he had an unreasonable expression, but Russia was certain that Poland was just some retarded spastic and that's why he is unable to tell. It made sense because Poland was also unable to interact normally with other people.

The school bell bought Russia out of his thoughts. He stood up and waited for Poland to finish his shit before leaving the classroom. Soon enough Poland joined him in the hallway. It was a mystery to him why the Pole still stuck to him after all kicks, punches, and insults he threw at Poland. Maybe it was because of Poland's gay tendencies, which Russia found extremely disturbing. Or Poland was just extremely lonely and unable to interact with anyone else, which would be extremely pathetic.

But in the end, it was kinda fun to mess with him.


"Russia, what do you want to eat in the cafeteria today?" Poland asked, looking at Russia expectantly. He seemed to simply ignore the question. The two walked together to the cafeteria, where they were greeted by the aroma of hot food. While everyone else was busy chowing down on whatever was available, Poland and Russia went straight to the salad bar.

You, Me, and your broken ankle (RusPol)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora