Sade's POV:

After eating a bit and chatting about whatever came to mind, Lauren and I figured we'd head back to her place to sleep in. I was getting tired again, so she offered to drive. The sun rose at 6:30 and I'd been up since 5:30 this morning. It's around 8 now, and sleep is screaming my name.

Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrel's 'You're All I Need To Get By' played on the radio as we rode in a comfortable silence, holding hands over the armrest.

Suddenly, I had a question for her.

My head turned against the seat and adoration filled my gaze as it focused on my girlfriend while she drove. "Honeybee..." I squeezed her hand.


She glanced at me, then a fair grin spread over her face.

"What's a place you've always wanted to go, or something you've always wanted to see?

A taken aback smile crept onto her lips. "Where's this coming from?"

My shoulder shrugged as my lips tugged into a grin. "Just curious, I don't recall you ever telling me so..."

Another glance my way as she narrowed her eyes. "Okay...uh let's see-" Lauren scratched her chin with a lone finger in thought. So cute. "There's a list actually-"

"Name em all."

Exhaling a breath, she giggled. "Okay...well for starters, I've always wanted to visit Greece, and Japan. And I wanna go to Jamaica but I don't know, I'm not tryna get snatched up-" I expelled a laugh. "No seriously, the place is beautiful but they a lil wild down there."

My laughter died down a bit. "True, I guess. Okay, what else?"

Lauren tilted her head a bit, narrowing her eyes as she thought some more. "Ummmm-that I can think of right now, I'd say Iceland-"

"Oh gosh, the Northern Lights-"

Perking up with excitement, she flashed a cheeky smile in my direction. "I was just about to say I wanted to see the Northern Lights! Get out of my head-"

"Hey, you're in mine babygirl," I joked.

Silence then followed our laughter as I continued gazing at my girlfriend while rubbing my thumb across the back of her hand. Bringing our hands to my lips, I kissed her soft skin twice, making Lauren look over at me with a sheepish smile.

"They remind me of you, you know. The Northern Lights..."

We'd finally arrived at her house and she parked before meeting my gaze with a sigh of contentment.

"Do I really?" She eyed me quizzically.

"Oh absolutely," I assured with dramatics in my tone. Lauren giggled,

"You're funny-"

"But I'm serious..." Pulling our locked hands into my chest, I rested my elbows on the armrest, keeping my eyes on hers.

Attempting to hide her smile, Lauren twisted her lips and glanced away from me. Almost immediately, I reached to take her chin under the curve of my finger and made her face me again.

Our eyes lingered on one another's for what seemed like forever, yet not long enough.

I truly meant what I said; Lauren's one of the most beautiful people I've ever met, and no I'm not just talking about her looks. This girl truly has a beautiful, timeless soul. The way she treats people and genuinely cares for them. She will give you the shirt off her back and expect nothing in return. She's so empathetic, and compassionate, and down to earth. You can see it in the way she carries herself and interacts with others. I've never met someone like that. Much like those lights that beam effortlessly along the vast sky, she's captivating. Her mere existence is special and I can't believe I got to experience such a genuine energy, a genuine soul.

Mia and Sebastian's Theme had found its way onto the radio just after Daniel Caesar's 'Best Part' had faded out.

'This song reminds me of you,' I remember her telling me. How ironic.

Looking away for a moment, I took a breath before my eyes then peered into my girlfriend's. "You'll always be my northern light Honeybee, no matter what happens, or where we are. I'll never forget you," I said just barely above a whisper. With an emotionally softened expression, Lauren then leaned forward to connect our lips.

Hm, the Aurora Borealis. Pretty name....


She's short, I know. Many apologies for those of you who like the lengthy chapters. ;)


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