You bring your Issues

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His voice is so quiet that one be afraid to overhear it, but for me that isn't possible even if I would try my hardest to. "Kiss me.", a statement that destroyed me innerly. A task that I have always hated but now that I'm looking him straight into his eyes I don't only hate it, I even detest it. I curse his idea and the alcohol that probably talked him into giving me this dare.

I open my mouth to argue against him, to tell him that I won't do it, that he should think of a different dare for me, but not a single word makes it out of my mouth, they stay stuck in my head. But Joel wasn't finished yet because there was another sentence to his dare: "On the mouth... for at least five seconds.", these words wake me from my shock. "Never. I'm not doing that."

Joel's grin only gets bigger. "You have to. It's my dare to hive you one." – "Exactly, to 'give' me one and that's what you just did.", I argue but Joel doesn't give up. "And you have to fulfil a dare. Come on, do you really want to be like Aleksi and not do your dare. It's just a kiss. Without any feelings. That's not a big deal.", he tries and tries to get me to do the dare, but he knows exactly that I hate this dare.

Annoyed I cross my arms infront of my chest and look away from Joel. "Come on. Do you really want me not to be able to fulfil my dare because of you. Do you really want to ruin the game?", his voice has a challenging tone in it that I manage to withhold. "We can also just continue. I won't kiss you. You won't manage to force me to do that.", I explain and turn my head away from him so that I can't fall for his trap of his light blue eyes.

Softly, a little bit cold fingertips due to the can of beer, come against the side of my chin through which he tries to change my gaze that I'm looking at him again but I immediately hit that hand away from my chin again. "Don't touch me. Boys, let us continue.", I demand the others who only look at me and Joel. They're still doing it. "Theoretically, we can't do that. My dare isn't fulfilled yet.", Joel's fingertips lay on my chin again but before I can slap it away again the fingertips move downward to the back of my neck which makes me close my eyes.

He still knows it. The spot on my neck that makes me weak with even the slightest touch, like this one. A spot, that gives me goose bumps with every soft touch, if not even a shiver. With all my strength I try to fight against the feeling that is currently spreading through me but he still manages to turn my head towards him very easily so that I notice, how much closer he is with his face than he was a few seconds ago.

And even while I have my eyes closed I feel his closeness through the warm and alcohol scented breath which softly hits against my skin. "Open your eyes, prinsessa. I told you to kiss me so it's your turn now.", his voice is so quiet that I'm certain only the two of us can here hs words.

Only for a short time his touch on the side of my neck less which releases me and let's me take a deep breath and open my eyes. My gaze immediately meets his. I hesitate but am then able to say what I wanted to say after all. "I will not kiss you. You do it if you so desperately wa-", I cut of my sentence as he pushes a curl of mine behind my ear and follows it with his head.

The moment In which he breaks this minimal distance between us which relives me. That feeling doesn't stay too long though because only a few seconds later his breath lands on my sensitive spot which makes me shiver again. "Oh, really? I think you will do it. Even when you try to stay strong I know that this spot on your neck makes you weak and that means that you will kiss me.", is voice only makes the goose bumps worse.

"I hate you.", I only manage to say as a breath to which his face appears opposite mine. "Prove it.", he challenges me and comes closer to me again. It feels like it's only a northern three millimetres that lay between our lips but he keeps that distance and waits for me. He knows how he gets hat he wants.

Died enough for You [Joel Hokka FF] (English)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora