The blonde grits her teeth. "You have your family to worry about. I'll be fine."

The redhead caresses Blythe's face, careful with her sharp nails as she turns her face. "I will worry about you, Blythe. I want you to be my family...come with us."

The Blonde's heart stutters. "Go with you?"

Calypso nods, eyes desperate. "I can make you like me...we can leave together."

Blythe's heart pounds as she contemplates it. Is it possible?

Calypso reaches down to her tail, ripping free a shimmering golden scale. "Take it...If you consume this, you will change. We are leaving by the next full moon..." the siren grips the blonde's hands, squeezing them gently. "Please consider it, Blythe."

And consider it she does. The thought is terrifying—giving up her humanity, transforming her body to become something new...but it's also exhilarating. As the moon grows each night, so do Blythe's dreams of the ocean.

Finally, she can no longer stand it. On a stormy night, when the ocean rages against the cliff, Blythe leaves her husband in his bed and absconds into the night. Calypso greets her at the pier, eyes shimmering as the blonde places the scale in her mouth.

It dissolves tastelessly on her tongue, the magic held within coursing through her limbs. She gasps at the sensation, feeling the pull of the ocean immediately. But her absence has not gone undetected. Brenton is stalking towards the beach, rage illuminated by a streak of lightning that pierces the sky.

Fearful, Blythe heads deeper into the water. But the storm has made the ocean violent, the buffeting waves combined with the excruciating pain of the transformation causing her to cling to a rock in her disorientation. Calypso attempts to comfort, but quickly turns to face the approaching threat. She snarls ferally as Brenton nears, a clawed hand etching deep furrows into the stone.

She lunges for the man with an eerie inhuman scream, claws aiming for his vulnerable throat. But Brenton's massive size makes him difficult for even Calypso to handle, and she screeches in rage as he backhands her violently.

Witnessing the brutality against the woman she loves ignites a fire in Blythe's heart. She lets out an inhuman shriek of her own as she dives into the inviting embrace of the sea, new fangs bared. Against two infuriated sirens now, the vile man stands no chance.

He kicks and screams as teeth and claws rend his flesh, the two women relentlessly dragging him into deeper waters. Panic twists his face as his head slips under the surface, the sight of two sets of glowing eyes etched into his dying consciousness.

In that fateful moment, Blythe is freed as the ocean washes away all the sins committed against her.

In the months that follow, the nearby village gradually becomes aware of the fisherman's absence. They'll find the cottage empty of life and whisper rumors—rumors that a creature of lore lured the young couple into the ocean, promising them everything they could ever dream of.

They won't ever know how close to the truth they got.

They won't ever know how close to the truth they got

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She Dreams of WaterWhere stories live. Discover now