Benjamin chuckled to himself about the girl's kindness.

"Why is so funny?" Kathryn asked.

"You are the most kind person I have ever met," Benjamin said turning to the girl, "You went against your husband's wishes to come talk to me all because you did not want to hurt my feelings."

"I--I guess I did," Kathryn said.

"You are the most selfless person that I know, Kathy" Benjamin said.

The girl smiled up at the boy. Though she did not exactly believe what he was saying she accepted the compliment.

"So what shall we do?" Benjamin asked.

"What do you mean?" Kathryn asked.

"Well I do not plan on stopping being friends with you just because Lord Bridgerton does not like me," Benjamin said.

"I do not know what we can do," Kathryn said, "He has basically forbidden me from seeing you. He would be absolutely furious if he found out I was here right now."

"Well then we will just have to make sure that he does not see us together," Benjamin said, "You can come here or I can meet you at your parent's house."

"I do not know about this Benjamin," Kathryn said.

"Come on Kathy," Benjamin said grabbing her hand again, "You do not throw away lifelong friendships for one person."

She really did not want to go against Anthony's wishes. No matter how ridiculous, he was still her husband. Kathryn's mother had always taught her that her husband should be one of the most important people in her life. You should always respect him and his opinions. That was of course when her mother assumed that she was marrying a man who loved her, who would do anything for her. But that was not the case for Kathryn Bishop, Kathryn Bridgerton now.

"All right," Kathryn agreed, "But I do not think that we will see each other often. And you cannot fault me if it goes awhile between visits."

"I could never fault you Kathy, I love you," Benjamin smiled.

It did not worry her that Benjamin had said that he loved her because she knew exactly what he meant. She had always had love for him, different kinds of love as they grew older. He was her longest friend, how could she not love him?

"I love you too, Benny," Kathryn said pulling him into a hug.

The two hugged for a moment before Kathryn pulled away, "I better get going. Anthony will be wondering where I am. I will see you soon though."

"I cannot wait," Benjamin smiled.

Kathryn gave him one last smile before she exited the Price house and made her way toward the Bridgerton house. It was now dark outside which meant that Kathryn had stayed at the Price household far longer than she had intended. As she walked up to the Bridgerton house she noted that there were no lights on so that meant that everyone would most likely be asleep. She hoped that Anthony would be the same. Kathryn crept into the house and up toward the bedroom. Maybe she would be lucky and Anthony would be in his study and had not even noticed she was gone.

She opened the bedroom door to see Anthony sitting on the edge of the bed. He stood up immediately turning to look at her.

"Where have you been?" Anthony asked.

"I was with my parents," Kathryn lied as she closed the door behind her.

"I sent a footman to your parent's house hours ago, you were not there," Anthony said.

"You are keeping track of me now?" Kathryn huffed.

"Seems I need to keep better track of you if you are going to hide things from me," Anthony said.

A Loveless Marriage: A Bridgerton StoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin