Take Jupiter From My Shoulders and Just Hold Her

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TW: Sexual harassment and mention of potential sexual assault (Nothing is actually done; Alison and what she did to Jane is just discussed, that's all.)

!Spoiler warning for IIFY! (Is It Fall Yet)

Stacy walked up to the front door of the Morgendoffer residence. As she walked up the door she felt the freezing air pierce her thin frame. She knocked on the door while thoughts swirled around in her head.

"Oh wow, I do know my kids!" Jake grinned and gestured for Stacy to come inside.

"Thanks, Mr. Morgendoffer." Stacy took off her white boots by the front door and sat on the couch.

"Hey, Stacy." Quinn down the stairs and stood in front of Stacy.

"You ready?" Stacy asked as she pulled Quinn into an embrace.

"Just gotta get my coat and boots on." Quinn took her coat off the rack and shrugged it on. She then slipped on her brown boots and called Stacy over.

"Is Stacy Quinn's date?" Helen whispered to her husband as she ended her phone call.

"Yep, isn't it nice Helen?" Jake and Helen both waved Quinn and Stacy out the door.

"Have fun you two." Jake smiled and went to the kitchen.

"Remember, be back by midnight," Helen said while Quinn opened the door for Stacy.

"Got it, Mom, Bye!" Just like that Quinn and Stacy were out.

Afterwards, Helen decided to join Jake at the kitchen table. Jake was quietly reading the newspaper as she took a seat.

A few minutes later, Daria and Jane came into the kitchen looking for snacks.

"Mom, has Quinn gone on her date yet?" Daria began searching the kitchen for chips as she spoke.

"Yes, she just left a minute ago," Helen replied.

"Do you want to guess who Quinn's date was?" Jake turned his head to face Jane and Daria."

"Jake, Quinn will come out when she's ready." Helen chastised Jake and got up to make some coffee for herself.

"Come out?" Daria and Jane responded in unison.

"She'll tell you when she's ready." Helen looks towards the girls, waiting for her coffee.

With two bags of chips in hand, Daria and Jane retreated to Daria's bedroom.

"Daria, I'm a little worried about Quinn." Daria opened the door to her bedroom as Jane spoke.

"Why?" Daria and Jane walked inside and Jane sat on the bed.

"I'm scared that her date will manipulate her and get her drunk," Jane confessed as she laid back on the bed.

"Jane, I don't think that will happen. So far, Quinn has only been on dates with people from school." Daria picked a horror B-movie and placed it in the player.

"Daria, it's time I tell you about Alison."

Jane told Daria everything about Alison. How she thought Alison was a genuine friend at first. She told her about the bet and Alison getting her dinner and getting her drunk. Alison propositioned her and had to say she was straight. Alison said that she knew Jane was gay and said that, "she never hits on straight chicks."

"Jane, I wish I could have been there to protect you. I would have done anything to stop her." Daria grabbed Jane's hands and stared into her blue eyes.

"It's okay amiga, it's fine; I handled it all by myself," Jane reassured her best friend.

"Jane, you were coerced into having a date with a grown woman and she got you drunk. If you hadn't said you were straight, you would've been date raped." Daria pulled Jane in closer.

"Daria, it wasn't all that bad." Jane smiled in denial.

"Why didn't you tell a staff member?" Daria was not going to let this slide; no matter how hard Jane tried to ignore the severity.

"I don't even want to think about what she would do to me if I snitched." Jane lowered her gaze as she spoke.

"If you told someone, that wouldn't be snitching. that would be reporting someone who abused you." Daria lifted Jane's chin and made her look into her eyes.

"She didn't abuse me, she backed off when I told her to." Jane denied.

"If you told my mom, she would have that girl put in jail in no time." Daria looked at her door, gesturing to the kitchen.

"Daria you don't understand; Alison is trying to make it big as an artist, one mistake shouldn't ruin her entire career." Jane reasoned with her friend.

"Without repercussions, she will keep on doing that; Hell, she could have already done it again for all we know." Jane's eyes lit up as Daria spoke.

"I'll think about it Daria okay? Can we watch our movie now?" Jane asked Daria.

Daria pushed herself off the bed and turned on the TV and started the movie.

"Are you girls okay in there?" Helen knocked on the door.

"Daria, can you pause the movie for a bit?" Jane walked to the door and opened it.

"Helen, can talk to you privately about something?" Jane asked, opening the door.

"I was just about to go to bed but this sounds important." Helen led Jane to the living room and told her to sit down.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" Helen began.

Jane proceeded to reiterate what she said to Daria about Alison and what Daria responded with. When Jane finished, she was sobbing uncontrollably.

"Oh Jane, I am so proud of you for telling me that." Helen opened her arms and Jane accepted her embrace. Helen spent the next fifteen minutes calming Jane down.

"If I had more evidence and Statutes of Limitations weren't an issue; I would have figured out where your parents are and asked them if I could represent you in court." Helen pulled away from the embrace and grabbed some tissues.

"What does Statutes of Limitations mean?" Jane grabbed the tissues and wiped away her tears.

"It refers to the period in which a defendant can be charged with a crime," Helen explained, standing up and walking towards the stairs.

"Jane, I suggest holding off on the horror movies tonight. You already have Alison on your mind and neither of us want any nightmares tonight." Helen suggested to Jane as they walked up the staircase.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine," Jane reassures as the two reach the top of the stairs.

"Well, Goodnight Jane. Remember, if you need anything you can come into my room okay?" Helen hugged Jane and then headed off to her bedroom.

"See you in the morning, Helen." Jane walked back into Daria's bedroom and joined her best friend again.

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