Chapter one

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☆゚⁠.⁠*⁠・⁠。゚~Valarie's pov~☆゚⁠.⁠*⁠・⁠。゚

The wind bit at my skin as I pulled my thin jacket closer seeking whatever warmth it could give me. My hands felt like they had been placed in a fridge and left there overnight and my breathe created little puffs of smoke everytime I exhaled.

Today was colder than usual, indicating that winter was coming in sooner than expected. I try rushing to the bus station in hopes to get a good seat at the window to see the view of the sunlight hitting the lake that always puts a smile on my face.

When I reached the bus I'm in luck that there's a vacant seat with a window, no doubt I take it.
I peek through the moist window as the bus starts moving, I'm off to work knowing that my bills won't pay itself.

As the bus comes to a stop in the city where I get off and make my way to a little coffee shop that I work at, it obviously doesn't pay billions but it gets me by, well atleast when you add it up with my second job at the library. I honestly don't mind it much...I mean coffee and books what better things could you ask for?.

Loads of Money and happiness?

yeah me too.

When I walk into the shop a little bell jingles over my head indicating that someone entered the shop.

"Good morning Val, Great morning, isn't it?...but you probably didn't notice because you were squashed between strangers on a bus unlike us who have cars" Brian chirps like a little bird 'that I hope to shoot'. He is also an employee and has an unhealthy amount of  snobbish bitch behaviour stuck up his ass.

'Goodness I hate him... would it be to cruel to say I hope he gets into a car accident then he can brag about that shit?... probably'

"Morning Brian, I would say Good morning but ever since I seen your stupid face you took the 'good' out of it...and heads up we work at the same little café so quite the bratty bitchy act because we get paid the same" I reply with a tight lipped smile as I put my apron on and go to stand behind the counter, he rolls his eyes and clicks his tongue as he walks away.


Just then does my phone ring and my little sisters name shows on the display, I answer the phone confused.

'This little shit should be in school, why is she calling me during school hours?'

"Roxanne? " I answer

"Val, don't get angry-" I hear my little sisters nervous voice on the other end of the line before I cut her off.

"What. did."I grit out frustratingly ' it's to early for this'.
She has been getting into alot of trouble lately.

"Can you come and get me then I'll tell you." she says pleadingly.

"What the- , you know I'm at work right now...You are supposed to be in school.One thing, one thing...all you have to do is go to school and learn...and you can't even do that without making trouble somewhere....You are so dead when I get there" I say as I hang up.


"Aww is little Valarie having home issues?" Brian taunts.

"Fuck off Brian grow some balls and stick yourself between them " I say flipping him off and walking to my bosses office to ask for time to handle this situation.

I knock on the office door before I hear a ' come in ' then enter. In the middle of the office sat a elderly lady behind a desk.

"Oh Valarie, how can I help you dear?" she asks sweetly with a warm smile, which I return.

"I'm sorry to bother you Mrs Lilly but I have a personal emergency I have to tend to at this moment and was hoping I could take the day off" I say making her frown.

"Of course dear I hope everything is alright" she says concerned.

"I hope so too, Thank you Mrs Lilly" I say leaving the office.


When I get to the location my sister gave me I find myself in a park where some people can be seen walking their dogs and others going for their morning run.It takes me a moment to spot my little sister but when i do rage follows me to her.

Oh Mom and dad if you can see us from above just know someone else is about to join you up there.

"Val- ah ouch "she starts but I don't give her a chance as I pull her ear and start smacking her on the head as she tries and blocks my hits the best she can.

"You are supposed to be at school not in some fucking park, Do you know how frustrating it to always have to bail you out of the shit you get into.?" I say as I finally stop hitting her.

"I know, I'm sorry Val" she says making me want to smack her again.

"What did you do other than skip school which I slave through work everyday to get you there?" I ask with my hand on my hip.

I hear someone clearing their throat before my head snaps in their direction and I was not expecting to see a handsome man in an expensive suit watching the little show of wrestle mania I just put on.

"I think I can answer that for you" he say in a deep voice sounding smooth but stern.

"Please do" I say looking away from him to glare at my little sister, knowing that whatever was going to come out of his mouth wasn't going to be good.

He points at the massive dent in his expensive car that I don't even know the name of. I gasp in shock and if space could just drop an asteroid I would appreciate it if it fell on me in this moment.

"What the fuck?!" I shout smacking my sister upside the head, I might go to prison for abuse when I'm done with this little shit.

"I can explain" she says but I don't even want to hear it, I feel like crying and dying at the same time...I just make enough money to keep a roof over our heads and enough food in our stomachs, there's absolutely no way I'd be able to pay for the damage of a car... especially one this luxurious. As if I don't have enough on my plate already with all the bills and to top it off a little sister who can't stay out of trouble.

"Don't move from this spot as I speak to the Gentleman whose car you dented" I say with a sigh to my sister as I walk forward with the guy I don't know the name of.

"I'm so sorry for what she did, I can try and pay you back every month in installments because I don't have that kind of money on me." I say stressing as I might have to take a loan from the bank.

"That won't do ,I got a better offer" he says analysing me, making my nerves skyrocket, is he going to report this and take us to court... will I go to prison?. I failed my parents, they left me Roxanne to take care of and now we might go to prison.

"What kind of offer?" I ask skeptically.

"Let's make a deal" he says crossing his arms making his muscle strain against his suit.

' Can this man get any hotter?'

No I can't think like that in this situation.

"Be my personal assistant for 6 months and we can consider this car thing covered" he says making me gawk at him like a fish out if water 'is this guy crazy?, his personal assistant?!'

Hey everyone (or anyone that reads this) 👀✋
I just had this new idea for a book and end up writing this, sorry if it's bad.
if there's grammar mistakes I apologise for that too😅.

anyway I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

please feel free to
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