Not Again

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Authors Note: Hello, this is the first time I am writing a book so just a warning. It may not be up to many of your standards so please be kind and don't compare my writing skills to others. I like to write on my free time and decided to give this a go. Therefore, thanks for giving my book a chance and hopefully I can get my thoughts organized for this book. :)

   Jaylynn Stella

This is my last year in college, and I am more than ready to finish and graduate. Don't get me wrong I have had a good time here, but I think I am ready to leave this place behind with all the bad memories and start with my life.

" Hey Jay, wait up!" said one of my friends Maisie. I've known her since my sophomore year of college, and we've hit it off ever since and she got along with my best friend Jade. Anyways, I was currently walking to a coffee shop near campus because I have a gap in between my classes. So, might as well do any work I got while I enjoy some coffee. 

" Hey Maisie, I thought you had class right now?" I asked.

" Yeah, but I never understand a word the professor is saying so I ditched" she said while shrugging her shoulders. 

I laughed, typical Maisie " well I'm about to get some coffee and stay awhile, want to join me?"

" Sure, why not, got nothing else to do.... Oh my god, I forgot to tell you, but I finally slept with Trevor!" she said excitedly. 

"About time you guys made a move on each other", I said laughing. Maisie and Trevor have always had a thing for each other but never did anything about it besides eye-fucking each other for the rest of the world to see. Trevor is part of our friend group since sophomore year as well and he might seem like a quiet guy but he's actually really cool once you get to know him. We bonded over video games specially the game Fall guys. 

" Yeah well, we were hanging out at his dorm and one thing led to another....and next thing I know I'm waking up hearing Blake and Colton singing 'I just had sex' at the top of their lungs." she said while rolling her eyes. 

I laughed a little too hard at this which caused Maisie to send a glare my way.

Blake and Colton are close friends of Trevor who happen to also be part of our friend group. We all became friends around sophomore/junior year and were all pretty close. So, I'm thankful for my friends even though most of the girls at college are always hitting on the guys when they're with us which can get pretty annoying. Even more annoying when the guys love the attention. However, Jade and Maisie usually drive the girls away by putting them in their place. 

 I thought while I rolled my eyes. 

We had arrived at the coffee shop and placed our orders. While we sat down, we chit chatted about our classes and what we were planning to do tonight when we hanged out with Jade. 

Me and Jade share a dorm together which is lucky for both of us because we hit it off freshman year and became best friends. She's like the sister I never had. Anyways our dorm is pretty big, so we always invite Maisie to hang out at our place also Maisie's roommate is kind of a bitch. 

The next hour passed by which consisted of me doing homework and Maisie scrolling through her social media. I had caught up on my work and needed to head back to campus for my class before I was late. 

" Alright Maisie, I think I'm going to head back to campus already for class, are you coming?" I asked. 

"No, you go ahead, I don't have a class till 1:00 so Trevor is going to meet me here in a bit" she said while blushing. 

I smiled at her "okay have fun! see you tonight!" 

As I walked out the coffee shop, I thought about how me and Bryce use to have coffee dates in the morning before class but now it's like there's no time for that. Me and Bryce have been dating since the beginning of Junior year well more like on and off because I kept forgiving him for the stupid fights, we would get in. Let's just say that Bryce has a short temper that needs to be worked on. Sometimes he lets his anger get the best of him which can be pretty scary for a girl who is 5'5 being towered over by someone who is almost 6'0. 

As I continued my walk lost in my train of thoughts, I felt my phone vibrate against my hand which snapped me out of my train of thoughts. 

Speaking of the devil, I looked at my phone and saw a message from Bryce. 

Bryce <3: Where are you jay??

Bryce <3: Class is about to start, don't be late. 

I rolled my eyes and texted back.

Jay: I went to the coffee house, I'm almost there. 

I still had like 5 minutes till class stared and was not very far from my class. But Bryce always needed to know where I was. 

Bryce <3: Who were you with???

I knew he was going to ask if I was with someone. He doesn't even like me hanging out with my guy friends even with Jade and Maisie there. Not like he doesn't hang out with girls when I'm in class and he has free time, I thought and rolled my eyes. 

I left Bryce on read as I made my way into the building, I really did not want to see Bryce right now, he already put me in a bad mood with his stupidity. 

I opened the classroom door and walked in; the class had just started. Great, I thought.

I could feel Bryce looking at me as I walked to my seat next to him. I put my things down and took my seat. I was just waiting for Bryce to open his mouth and ask a stupid question.

" Who were you with jay?" he whispered in a rude tone.

I glared at him and said, "I was with Maisie." 

" Yeah right" he scoffed. "I bet you were with Colton."

Bryce always had something against Colton. I figured he was just jealous of him for whatever that reason may be, but now I feel like it's just something else. 

" What do you have against Colton" I whispered back rudely. 

He almost laughed "oh so now you're defending him." 

I just shook my head and said, "what the fuck is wrong with you Bryce, he's my friend and you have been rude to him since the day you met him." 

I'm sure people around us could hear us by now. 

Bryce glared at me "I know he has a thing for you jay, and I don't like that. You better stay away from him and his stupid friends." 

I had enough of his stupidity and how he is always overpowering me. I don't know what caused me to say this next.

" Or what Bryce? You going to hit me in front of this class?" as soon as those words left my mouth, I could feel my heart pumping.

Bryce's glare hardened and his lips were set in a straight line. I just knew I pushed the wrong button.  What scared me the most was that he said nothing back to me. Just turned forward to face the front of the class. 

Oh shit. What did I do. 

Could this class finish any faster?

Authors Note: Hey, so this is the first chapter, and it may not be great so sorry. I'm still trying to get use to writing for different characters and not just putting everything on there. I have no idea how I want this story to go but I am going with is along the way. Like I said, I have never done this before, and I hope I can learn along the way. Anyways, I hope you all liked the first chapter and thanks for reading.

Any comments, tips, suggestions are welcomed :)

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