Maisie coughed in front of her grabbing her attention and passed her a teasing look. Kelly wanted to hide her face because of that color dawning of her cheeks but gulped the fluttering feeling down and raised an eyebrow at her best friend, "So how's Jessica, May?"

   Kelly saw how Maisie almost chocked on her juice before turning to her wide eyed, "You knew?"

    Kelly smirked.


Rabastan Lestrange shouldered Avery who sat beside him gesturing him to look at Regulus who was busy smiling at a particular hufflepuff at a distance. The boys exchanged an amused glance before Lestrange cleared his throat and spoke, "Did you notice Avery, Black is smiling a lot these days, very unlikely of him, dont you think so?"

   Regulus turned to them on hearing his name being mentioned and saw Avery shooting a bitter smirk in his direction, "Yes Black, what's the matter with you these days? You barely spend time with us as well."

    Rolling his eyes mundanely at his friends, Regulus shrugged the question off but Lestrange forced at him, "Is is because of a girl, Black?"

    Regulus raised an eyebrow at him sharply while feeling a little freaked out internally on the fact that his friends might have surely noticed him smiling a bit often and spending lesser time with them. He just hoped they didnt know the reason to it.

    "Ofcourse it is, Lestrange," Avery chuckled darkly, his gaze straightway leading to Kelly sitting and giggling with her friend at the hufflepuff table, "A certain mudblood might be the reason of Black's smile. Do you think he is in love?"

     "Shut the fuck up, Avery." Regulus sneered lowly with a dangerous glare.

    Avery mockingly backed away pretending to be scared while Rabastan had to pipe in, "Dont worry Black, no one expects you to follow the family traditions after your traitor brother had cleared the way for you," He leaned in to whisper darkly now, "No wonder you are not marked yet."

    If looks could kill, the two would be six feet under the ground now. Regulus grabbed Rabastan by collar and hissed angrily, "Dare you talk to me like that again, Lestrange, I'll have your nasty head chopped off." 

    Getting up briskly yanking him away, Regulus stormed out of the Great hall. Anger clouding his vision. Whenever the topic of his family and his so called brother was brought up, he felt the urge to smash his head against the wall.

    And lets not ignore the constant danger hanging upon his head of being marked. He didnt know how long will he be able to escape it, he feared he wont get the chance of running away from it like his elder brother and one day it will definitely doom upon him.

  He hadnt no udea how to save himself from it. There was no one else willing to save him as well. The only tiniest hope he ever had was from his rebel brother who too had now left him no hope of being saved.

    Regulus knew, he was doomed.

   And thene there she was, Kalista Monroe, the little ray of light in the darkness of him doom.

    He didnt know why and how, but he had started liking her presence so much that now it would kill him to stay away from her. Ofcourse he had never even admitted that to even himself but in every free moment he got with himself, his mind was only occupied with her thoughts.

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Dec 21, 2023 ⏰

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