"Aw did I make you care?" Nicholas mumbled as he wiped the blood from his face.

"Shut up! Don't make me run you over myself!" Norie yelled with an irk.

Vash walked over to a locker in the back of the room, he opened it and looked down to see a little kid crouched down and hiding. His face in shock making him frown, after taking him outside, they left as Roberto was filling up the gas tank.

Norie underneath the shade with her arms crossed against her chest as she saw Nicholas put his cross on the ground into the sand and spoke "o father in heaven..."

"forgive us our sins as we forgive our neighbors." He says as he pulled out a bottle of water that he took a sip from.

"You had water this whole time?!" Norie said with an irk.

"Not now dear" Nicholas says as he poured some water into his hand.

"May you accept our fallen brethren and welcome the departed to your...what is it?"

"Take your time it's okay" Norie mumbled as she checked her nails.

"Welcome them to your...dinner? No that's a meal"

Meryl and Vash turned to the amber eyed woman who had her chainsaw gun leaning on the wall, she looked back at them and says "he'll get there"

"Deliver them unto your... design? No, nobody's talking about fashion."

Nicholas grabbed the cross before it fell over, he placed it back and put his hands together and said "Norie please be the angel"

"leave me alone"

"Uh, give us a drive...He's not your chauffeur, you idiot." He mumbled.

"Are you even a priest?" Meryl questions as she appeared next to him.

"I'm no priest, just an undertaker" Nicholas responded as he stood up.

"Now back off you're ruining it"

"Anyway, what's this cross? It's way too huge-"

"Hey, keep your mitts off of it." He cuts her off before she can touch the cross.

"Norie tell her to back off" Nicholas says and points at Meryl making her slap his hand away.

"Darling just leave this dumbass alone, you're wasting your time really" Norie said as she approached them, her gun in her hand as she stood next to Nicholas who leaned his shoulder on her.

"Thank you-"

"I was talking to her" she cut him off making him look at her offendedly.

"Hey, you three" Vash cut them off and then motioned behind them.

They turned and saw the little kid they found inside, Norie frowned at his down expression but then saw Nicholas take his arm off her shoulder and walked towards him.

"Here, you're hungry right? It's good" he says as he extended a lollipop towards the kid before taking one himself.

"Strawberry is her favorite flavor so here" Nicholas said as he points at Norie behind him.

 i can't leave you, i won't leave you ( Nicholas D Wolfwood )Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt