Identities Revealed

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3rd person pov

Human Kite landed on the ground along with everyone else "oh my god!" Velvel said grabbing onto Human Kite "thank you so much!" Velvel hugged him.

"No problem Velvel" Human Kite replied as he hugged her back "wait..who are you guys?" "What do you mean" Toolshed asked "like who are you behind the mask".

"Well we know your Velvel so we might as well tell you who we are" Human Kite nudged Toolshed "I'm Stan,it's because of the missing hat isn't it".

"Yea! You look so different without it!" "I know people told me" "well im Kyle" "Kyle I never suspected you to be Human Kite!" "Nice".

"Hm the portal didn't take us anywhere we're still in south park" "aw man" "can we go kick Cartmans ass?" Kyle asked "no..well not now>:)..just go home and change".

"Alright! Everybody lets go get out of these costumes" "oh yeah,Kenny can I get my clothes back?" "Ohhh yeah about that.." "what did you do?!".

"NOTHING! I just can't go home right now I gotta pick up my sister from school-" "ok I'll get in through the window,Kyle come with me" "wait why!?" "Your my bestie".

"Ok just don't touch my shit" Kenny hoped up a building and ran away "lets go" Velvel said walking away leaving Kyle and Stan looking at eachother "BOTH OF YOU!".

Kyle and Stan ran over to Velvel as they ran down the street going to Kenny's house which didn't take long "WOOH! that was tiring" Stan said climbing into the window.

"Ok Velvel go ahead and get your stuff and me and Kyle will wait outside" Stan said looking outside Kenny's door and not seeing his parents "or inside here".

Hoodie Of HellNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ