Chapter 6

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For the next few hours Seek told me about how things go around at the hotel. Since I was fairly new there, she told me a lot of things I didn't know before. She told me that she had eyes all throughout the walls and that she could make them appear at will. That explained how I poked her in the eye when we first met.

She also told me that she could shift the floorboards and go underneath them. It didn't really make any sense, but I guess when you're living in a magic hotel, a lot of things are more possible than you think they are. She said she didn't really like going into the floor because it's uncomfortable and musty under there.

She talked about the other entities in the hotel. Who they were and what they did. She listed them off. There was Rush and Ambush, of course, Eyes, Hide, Jeff, El Goblino, Shadow, Glitch, Dupe, and Halt. She explained how most of them didn't really do much anything other than talk to each other. Glitch and Jeff, on the other hand, did have jobs.

Glitch was the only doctor in the entire hotel. He spends most of his time in the infirmary. Jeff worked at his own independent business selling things, obviously. He literally named his store the Jeff Shop. We passed by him and his friends while Seek was bringing me here to the library.

Seek told me basically everything she could think about on the spot. A lot of it was really quite interesting. After she finished on that subject, she decided to go. It wasn't that late, but I guess she had something she needed to do.

"I'll be back tomorrow." Seek said while walking away. "Bye." She sounded slightly irritated, but not at me. Maybe she was mad at somebody else. I heard the doors open then shut. Seek must've left.

I didn't really know what to do at that point. I thought again. Actually, I did know what to do. Back in the room where Seek found the bed. I found a box in one of the drawers. I thought it might be a good little place to store small things I find. I slid the box out from under the bed.

I got off of the floor and sat on the bed. Holding the box, I shook it to make sure it was empty. To my surprise, something rattled inside. I felt around the box to try to find a way to open it. I found a latch. Inside I found another smaller box.

I set the first box down and inspected the smaller one. It also rattled when I shook it. Maybe there was a box inside a box inside a box... I opened the box and found a small ring with beads on it. It was a bracelet. I shrugged and put it back into its little box. I slid the bigger box back under my bed after closing it.

I got up and found an empty dresser and put the smaller box with the bracelet inside. My collection of belongings now consisted of a few boxes and a bracelet. Deciding this was probably a good time to explore the library a little more, I walked straight ahead with my arm out to make sure I didn't run into anything.

I walked for about 10 seconds until I ran into something. It was a pillar with a light on it. My body hit against the light, causing it to shatter. It sliced a deep and painful gash into my shoulder. I sat on the ground immediately because of the pain. I put my hand over my injury. I could feel that a lot of blood was coming out.

I thought about what to do. Not even the cuts from breaking through the window were as bad as this. I didn't think I'd be able to recover from this on my own. But what could I do? I could feel the blood running down my chest. Seek could help me, but I didn't know where she was or how to find her.

After a while of trying to figure out what to do, I started getting lightheaded, then sleepy. Maybe I'd just go to sleep for a little bit. Maybe just a few minutes... No, wait, I needed help. What was the doctor guy's name again? It was Glitch.

"Glitch, help," My voice was a lot weaker than I expected it to be. Very quietly, I repeated myself. "I need help, Glitch..." The blood continued to run out of my shoulder. Who knew this much damage could come from just a single light on a pillar.

Maybe I would just die this way. I figured, if I died this way, I may as well die happy. So I gave up on trying to call Glitch and dozed off.

I dreamed an amazing dream of swirling colors and landscapes of things I couldn't see. Seek was there, towering above me. She was extremely muscle mommy. She was also green. I decided subconsciously that if I could chose to have the ability to see, I would chose not.

Seek looked warped and scraggly. The scenery around was so brightly colored it hurt my brain. I never had a dream like this before. Most of my dreams were blank and only vocal dialog. Bright colors and muscle mommy green Seek weren't very appealing to me. I genuinely hoped Seek didn't look like this in real life.

I tried to look at myself in the strangely hot pink water. I didn't seem to have a reflection. Maybe my mind didn't want to think of how I looked. This dream was strange enough as is. It was really concerning how this type of dream was caused by loss of blood. It was also very lucid. I knew that I was dreaming the entire time.

The dream actually scared me. I hoped to never have another one like it. Just like that, the dream went away. My mind was blank again. I let myself bleed out, sleeping peacefully.

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