J: oh la la. Jiji you look hot.

V: you sure do but you also look tired.

Un: your eyes are a bit red too. What happened?

M: nothing. Im good.

Un: you seem ok now but something did happen. Spill?

V: yeah, your eyes only get red when you haven't slept well.

J: tell us or we are calling Uday.

M: God you guys can be so annoying sometimes. I said im fine. I didn't have a good sleep that's it. Can we drop it now?

V: someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

J: someone woke up away from Uday.

M: ha ha you guys are hilarious.

Un hugs M and whispers: are you seriously ok?

M: yup. Just had a rough night. Im ok now don't worry.

Un: you better be otherwise im locking you up in the room and demanding bed rest.

M: where are all the elders?

J: mom, dad, ds and bua went home. Av aunty and uncle giri had somewhere to be.

M: uday?

V smirks at that and M gives him a nasty look. He straightens up and says: in his room

Un: can we have breakfast already? It's technically lunch time now. It's late and we even have to prepare for the evening.

M: what's in the evening?

J: Jagat wants to hangout so we thought to go to Uday's restobar.

M: ok you guys go start breakfast. I'll bring Uday.

V: that means you'll come when breakfast finishes.

M: or it means to run along before i rearrange your face.

V chuckles and leaves with the rest.

Manyata goes to Uday's room and sees him looking out the window, busy on a phone call. He doesn't sense her presence so she goes back hug him tightly. He smiles when he senses Manyata and holds one hand of hers that is on his chest while he continues talking. After a min he cuts the call and brings her in front of him. Her back to his chest, looking out the window.

U: so what brings my princess here early in the morning?

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U: so what brings my princess here early in the morning?

M: came to call you for breakfast.

U: don't make me so used to your presence. I'll have to kidnap you and keep you all to myself till we don't get married.

M: I'm already yours.

U: that you are but having you with me 24/7 would be a blissful feeling.

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