Chapter 3

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The Avengers showed up minutes later. There they were, staring at us, staring at Ultron. I glared at Stark, my anger keeping me adrenaline rushed.
"Go now!" Ultron yelled. I rushed forward and ducked under Captain America's shield. I almost ran into Iron Man but I dodged out of the way. I saw Hawkeye and managed to grab his arm on my way by turning his emotions on his teammates. I laughed as I touched the edge of Natasha, depressing her instantly. She slid into the floor, tears in her eyes. I saw Pietro go to grab a hammer that was flying through the air, Thor's hammer, but it dragged him backwards. I went to go over to him but Thor stopped me. He shoved me over, smashing me onto the ground. I laid there for a second, catching my breath. I kicked out, catching his foot and pulling him down. I crawled on top of him and touched his head, making him confused. Ultron led us out the door and we went to see a doctor who was going to create Ultron a vision.
When we got there, Ultron was carrying a staff. He made the doctor plug in the machine and begin creating Vision. Wanda frowned at him but then stopped.
"You are going to destroy the world," she said, taking a step back. I looked at her.
"What do you mean?" Pietro asked.
"He's not trying to save the world. He's trying to destroy it. " I stared up at Ultron. He didn't deny it. I turned and Pietro led us out the door.
"Wait!" He yelled. He tried to follow us but we ran out there.
"Where do we go now?" I asked.

I know this chapter was super short but I am on a field trip and had to move quickly. Vote and comment!

Scarlett, Silver, and Stirling (Avengers 2 Fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt