Joshua kissed her lips before smirking down at her, "I don't know what you mean love,"

"Anyways.. what do you want us to be? I know that I messed up alot in our relationship from the whole keeping my disorder from you, letting someone touch me when I was pregnant, hitting you and all that. I do want us back together but first I want to apologize for all of that especially hitting you knowing what you've been through and I promise to never do that again,"

Joshua nodded, "I want us to be a family but I don't want to rush back into things or want you feeling that I'm only using you for sex."

"Does that mean you're going to keep seeing Isis or those other girls?" She asked lowly while staring at the side of his face. "I get it if you do but we haven't used protection so.."

"The moment I got to have you again they were cut off," he told her honestly. "You're the only girl I've not used protection with. You on birth control right?"

Kennedy let out a breath, "Yeah— my dad made sure of that even when we weren't talking. He made Cassidy take me. You still pulled out though right?"

"I mean.. once or four times I might've filled you up."

Kennedy frowned, "We're buying condoms. I'll never have another baby. I'll send it to God,"

"You let me hit raw already— I'll never use another condom. I got a good job now so abortion money is nothing to me."

They both hurst into laughter, "I love you Joshua."

"I love you too,"

After a moment of silence Joshua felt tears hit his chest and soon heard Kennedy start to sob. "What's wrong?" He sat up and sat her up with him, he wiped her tears and stared at her. "Talk to me baby,"

She wiped at her eyes and explained why she had moved back with her dad and why she had been at Joshua's while her dad was gone. She explained that the reason she had been hesitant about sleeping with him at first was because her mothers boyfriend had completely threw her off and she no longer felt comfortable with the thought of sex because all she could think about was what if. That night and morning had shook her to her core especially after never experiencing something like that.

Looking into Joshua's eyes she seen the anger flash through them as he carefully stood and tossed his shorts on. If he had known that he would have never initiated sex with Kennedy and would have instead been there for her, she assured him that he didn't pressure her or anything but he couldn't help but to feel as if he had and he was drunk that night too. For all he know she only did it because she was afraid. He would have never fucked her drunk or now if he had know Cassidy's boyfriend pushed up on her. It pissed him off.

He never played about Kennedy even back when she swore up and down he didn't care about her. He'd fight a bear for her and their son. Those two were his family and he wouldn't let anyone mess with them or take that from him.

"Joshua just calm down," Kennedy had slipped her robe on and followed him down the stairs.

"I am calm," he told her while searching for his keys.

"You're not about to go over there! Just please," Kennedy pleaded.

She'd never seen Joshua fight before up until she had seen him beat Kameron and right then she knew why he never resorted to violence. He had terrified her that day and she never wanted to see that side of him again— she couldn't let him go to Cassidy's house and confront the man. He had too much to lose and a son to think about.

"You think a nigga trying to rape you is going to be okay with me? Fuck all that."

Kennedy was about to respond before a knock sounded on the door— Joshua was so pissed he snatched it open and Kennedy could have died seeing her dad stand there. His eyes quickly shot to her and she knew the fact that her hair was all over the place, she had on only a robe and all the passion marks on her was the reason he let out chuckle and turned to walk back to his car.

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