Soo Cheol clenched his fist. What on earth was going on?


       When the twins opened the front door of the apartment, they immediately noticed a pair of combat boots and a pair of trainers placed neatly by the door. Two sets of car keys were also laid on a cabinet nearby. Their parents were home. A rare thing to happen. Normally their parents would still be at work when they arrived home from school.

     "Eomma! Appa! We're home!" Nara called out happily, getting her slippers on.

  "Hello you two, how was your day?" Saebom came out of the kitchen and gave Nara a hug.

     "It was good," Nara broke the hug and set her bag down on the couch.

  "You're home early," Soo Cheol voiced his thoughts. 

      "No hello and a hug for your mum?" Saebom asked, smiling as she held her arms out wide. 

   Soo Cheol dumped his bag next to his sisters' before giving his mum a hug. 

       "But he has a point," Nara said, "why are you home early?"

     "Do we need a reason to be home early from work? It sounds like you two want to get rid of us."

    "Hi dad!" Nara got up and gave her dad a hug. 

  "Are you home early because of what's going on? Because of the announcement on the news earlier?" Soo Cheol asked.

    Their parents exchanged a look. 

  "We'll talk about this over dinner. Both of you get showered and get started on your homework," Saebom said.

    "Oh! We're to give you these," Nara fished her consent form out of her bag, her brother following.

    "Yes, yes, we'll have a look at it, don't worry," Saebom took both sheets from her children. 

 The twins headed off towards their rooms, bickering on who got to use the shower first. 

    As soon as they were out of sight, Saebom sank down on to the nearby armchair. "Ottoke, Hyun-ah, are we really going to let them do this training?" She ran a hand through her hair, looking down at the form in front of her. 

    "I don't want to send them in to do this either, but it's better than leaving them unprotect," Yihyun sat down on the arm of the chair and drew his wife into a hug, raking a hand through her hair. "With training they can defend themselves, especially if we can't be there to protect them. Bom-ah, I don't like this anymore than you do, but it's the best choice we have. We can't pull them out of school and lock them in the police station or the army base just so that we can keep an eye on them. They have to be able protect themselves."

      Saebom was nodding slowly. "You're right, you're right," She agreed, "having them unable to defend themselves is... it's out of the question. It'll be hard, but at least they'll be safe and in good hands."

    Yihyun placed a kiss on the top of her head. 

  "We'll get through this, we've been through something like this before," He murmured into her hair, "Although, this situation might be even worse."

     "One of the spheres killed lots of soldiers in a matter of minutes. There were very little survivors that day. In fact, there might have been only two or three who survived that attack," Saebom shook her head.

    "Come on, let's go get dinner ready. The kids will be hungry," Yihyun pulled her up to her feet and led the way to the kitchen.

     Soo Cheol had heard everything. 

  He had been on his way to get his school bag from the living room, to make a start on his homework while he waited for his sister to finish up in the shower, when he overheard his parent's conversation. 

    He hadn't meant to eavesdrop, but he couldn't help it. He now knew something was terribly wrong and that it had something to do with the spheres that dominated the sky above them. Whatever was going on, it was serious, and according to his dad, it might be worse than what happened 20 years ago when his parents got caught up in the 'Mad Person Disease'. 

    Soo Cheol knew the story. When he and Nara were old enough, their parents had told them their story. How they met, how the disease came about and how they had to survive in an apartment complex due to the fact that the whole place was on lockdown. It was about two years after that when the twins were born. 

     Hearing his parents enter the kitchen, he slipped into the living room and grabbed his bag. Homework didn't seem to be important now. What he really wanted to do was find out more about what was going on. 

     "Soo Cheol! The shower's free!" Nara called out. 

 The thought of a hot shower was welcoming to him as he made his way back to his bedroom to grab a towel and a change of clothes. 


      Yihyun slid the consent forms across the table towards his children. 

  Soo Cheol picked his up and skimmed over it. The form was completely filled out. His name, his date of birth, his age, his parents contact info and their signatures. It was really happening. He and Nara were going to after school military boot camp.

     Nara was carefully reading over hers. 

  "You'll be undergoing training for four weeks. The trainings and drills will be held after your classes are over. They're clearing out classrooms to be turned into dormitories where you will sleep and keep your stuff," Saebom began to explain in detail what was going to happen.

    "You'll be taught combat skills and how to handle and shoot a rifle," Yihyun added, "It won't be easy, especially at first, but what you'll be doing is for your own good."

     "Why are 3rd grade high school kids being drafted? Is a war about to happen? Are we already at war? Will dad be drafted as well?" Nara asked. 

     Soo Cheol noticed the look his parents exchanged. 

  "It's a precaution, sweetie," Saebom tucked a strand of Nara's hair behind her ear, "something has happened and they just want to be prepared in case it gets even worse."

   "I will be joining your mother in her unit until further notice from those in power," Yihyun explained. 

     "Will you two be safe?" Soo Cheol asked quietly. 

  "Don't worry about us, Cheol-ah, we can take care of ourselves," Saebom smiled at her son. 

        "Right, finish eating so that you two can start packing. Only bring essential stuff and your school books with you. I doubt you'll be allowed any kind of luxuries while you're training," Yihyun said. 

      "You'll be training for four weeks," Saebom said, "try and do your best. And most importantly, stay safe. Okay?" 

    The twins nodded. 

  "Come here," Saebom opened her arms out for a hug, which the twins gladly accepted. 

      Yihyun watched hem before he got up and wrapped his arms around them too. 

 "Keep yourselves safe and take into account the safety of your friends too," He said, "and take the training seriously. You never know what might happen."


2229 words. That's more than I thought this chapter was going to be hehe.

I've been reading this fanfic here on Wattpad where the author had used this idea of Soo Cheol and Nara being twin and having Yihyun and Saebom as their parents, and I must say, it's a really good idea!

The fanfic is called Sadness by Accio_Coffee . Go check it out, it's good!

Accio_Coffee I hope you don't mind that I used the twin idea.

We're Family, We Stick Together (Duty After School)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora