11, kooks vs pogues round three

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"shut up" AJ rolled her eyes before pushing JJ forward.

"hell yeah, we're coming Pope!" JJ finally let out as they started to leave the church. Piling into the twinkie that was parked outside the church still.

"Pope, you are not driving again" AJ let out, catching up to the boy.

"I see no reason why I can't drive us back"

"oh really, no reason?" AJ passed him and turned, walking backwards as they got closer to the van. "how are you feeling?" She changed the subject away from his bad driving and he shrugged.

"a bit weird but okay I think" He let out and she nodded, opening the back door so they could get in.

"We'll get the cross," AJ told him, even though she wasn't sure of it herself.

Kiara and Sarah got in on the other side and AJ felt the way Kiara's eyes were on her.

The drive was going fine, a bit quiet but it was fine. Until it wasn't.

"shit" John B cursed and AJ leaned forward, her face falling. The flashing lights made her hold her breath. She moved back and sunk herself onto the floor, ignoring the looks she got from the others.

"good evening officer" John B greeted and the cop corrected him, "Sheriff"

"Oh, right. Right" John B nodded. "speed kills huh?"

"I pulled the tags and I know whose truck that is," He said to John B and AJ could see Kiara moving closer to the seat in front of her. Almost copying AJ's actions from before.

"hey Kie, you drop your weed pen back there?"

"found it" She gave him a thumbs up, moving back a bit after failing to not be seen.

"Sheriff," Pope said as he leaned forward, AJ could tell he was blocking her from the sheriff's view and she tipped her head back, her small breaths an accomplishment. "I just wanna say that this is all my fault she had nothing to do with this. I take 100% responsibility" Pope tried to take the fall.

"Nothing to do with it? Uh-huh. You wanna try that again?" The flashlight went back to Kiara and AJ met Pope's eyes. "Your parents reported the truck missing four hours ago, and the keys were missing from the house. I'm taking you home, or I can pull you all in for leaving the scene of an accident"

"Okay," Kiara let out, surrendering and getting out of the van when the officer opened the door. "I gotta deal. Hit me up later and make sure I'm still alive"

"shit" John B let out, hitting the steering wheel slightly as the lights started to disperse. There were still two cars by the truck but they had let the van through.

"Okay, you're good," Pope said and AJ let out her breath, moving and sitting normally again.

"what was that all about?" Sarah asked, turning to the other blonde girl.

"I'm technically on the run from dcfs. Ya know, dead mom and all" AJ looked away from Sarah, the look on her face feeling a lot like pity. "Easier to just not be seen"

There was silence for a bit until Sarah finally spoke again. "Rafe probably went to Tannyhill, we should check there first" The others agreed and John B turned down the road.

"He's got the truck" JJ let out as they got out of the van and walked up to the stone wall.

"stay low stay low stay low" John B warned and AJ ducked down, watching as Rafe Cameron got out of the truck.

"how much do you wanna bet Rafe has the cross inside that ruck right now?" Pope asked and Sarah moved from AJ's side.

"there's only one way to find out" John B followed after her and JJ, AJ, and Pope waited off to the side. Pretending to not listen to their conversation.

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