Chapter 1 : The Story Begins

Start bij het begin

With the setting of sun the dusk fell, the chirping birds were returning to their nests. Xiao Zhan was yet several kilometres away from C City.

Slowly the night came. Xiao Zhan had entered C City but he was yet far away from his locality. He had to stay there for a few days, so he had taken some groceries with him too.

He turned on the news. The female reporter's voice sounded

"...The mystery of theft cases in C City has taken an unbelievable turn. The thieves have started killing people. Yesterday a dead body was found in an empty house in block E and today another victim was found dead in block G. The first victim had a piece of paper stuck on his forehead on which 1 was written in bloodstain and today's victim also has a similar paper stuck on forehead where 2 is written in red. So police are suspecting it as a serial murder case. It is yet unclear if the theft and serial killings are being done by same group. The killings are probably done by the same person as the style of killings were same in both cases. The police are trying their best to find out the culprit or culprits behind it. The residents of C City are requested to be on high alert and don't open your door to strangers."

Xiao Zhan's eyebrows got knitted.
Now this seems dangerous. This was absolutely unexpected.


He had finally entered his known locality where he had spent his childhood.
He smiled. But his smile faded away within a few seconds.

Why does it seem so odd?

The whole locality was shrouded in deep darkness. Not a single house had lit up their lights.


There was not even a single human being on the road. All the small shops and buildings were shuttered closed. It was so quiet that the sound of his own car engine seemed to be ear piercing. It seemed like a desolated area, abandoned by the living human beings.

Xiao Zhan got a spooky feeling, his eyebrows were twitching.

Something is not right!

He was feeling uneasy but his hands on steering wheel were steady. He directly drove to his home and stopped his car in front of it.

Today his home didn't seem to be warm as usual, instead it was giving off a cold and mysterious vibe. He looked around. The whole area seemed lifeless.

He was feeling extremely uneasy. He garaged his car as soon as possible and proceeded to enter the house. He unlocked the door with his key and the door opened with a squeaking sound. Immediately a hot air with dusty smell hit him. After all it was locked for over 10 months. Closing the door he tried to switch on the lights.


The lights didn't turn on.

Xiao Zhan frowned.
Now what is wrong?

He lit mobile flashlight and pressed the switch again but the light still didn't turn on.


Suddenly the realisation hit him.
Haven't I turned off the mains before leaving? Yes that's it! That's why the lights aren't turning on. I'm so stupid!

He was so tensed that he had absolutely forgotten to turn on the mains. It was beside his garage.

He chuckled and felt embarassed on his own foolishness. He put his hand on the doorknob to open it, just then he heard two knockings on the same door.

Angel or Killer [YiZhan FF]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu