What did she mean by that "mortal enemy" crap? Did something happen between us that I don't know about?

..I'll just ask Kaede tomorrow since it's almost nighttime. Maybe she'll know..



The next day..

Kaede's POV

Ding dong, bing bong

"Attention, students! Please make your way to the gym! I don't care if the day just started, I have an announcement to make! Get up out of bed and make your way over here!"

Ugh, seriously? This is what I have to wake up to? It's probably another motive..

I tumbled out of bed and stumbled to the gym. (Pour myself a cup of ambition, and yawn and stretch and try to come to life-)

I was one of the first ones there. The only other people there were Kokichi, Kiibo, and Angie.

"Hey, Kaede! Um.. how have you been?" Kiibo asked me.

"I've been alright, thanks. How about you?"

"I've been alright as well. I don't think I got a full charge last night, so I do feel a little drowsy.." Kiibo said.

To be honest, though, if anyone was drowsy, it was Kokichi. I knew that he stayed up late, but he looked bad. Like he hadn't slept in days or something..

As some of the others filed in, I went up to Kokichi.

"Hey, Kokichi? You okay?" I asked. I got no response though.

Kokichi fell asleep standing up. How do you even do that..?

"Kokichiii, wake upp~! Atua says it's time to rise and shine!" Angie said energetically, poking Kokichi's side.

"5 more minutes.." Kokichi mumbled, slowly waking up.

"Noo, you can sleep later, Monokuma has an announcement to make and you can't miss it! Wake up!" Angie poked his side harder.

"Fineee.." Kokichi slowly opened his eyes, yawning. He observed his surroundings.

"Oh! Hi, Kayayday!" Kokichi said, acting more awake.

"Hey.. how long have you been here for? I don't think you can fall asleep in like, 2 minutes, can you?" I asked.

"Mm, I'm just really tired, I could nod off again any minute.. Just kidding! I'm not tired! Not tired at all.." Kokichi said, starting to close his eyes again. I grabbed his shoulders.

"No, you can't fall asleep again! Not until Monokuma makes his announcement, then I'll take you back to your room and you can sleep all you want, okay?" I shook Kokichi, making sure he was awake.

"Okay.." Kokichi groaned.

Everybody else came into the gym, and Monokuma started speaking.

"Hello, everyone! I'm not sorry for getting you up so early, because wouldn't you know, this is a motive reveal!"

Everyone groaned.

"Really? Another fucking motive?!" Miu said, frustrated.

"Yes, another fucking motive, because that's how this killing game works!" Monokuma exclaimed.

"..What is this motive, exactly?" Rantaro asked.

"Well, let me explain! A select few people will start acting.. different. A lot differently from their normal selves. Why, you may ask? Because of this little thing called the despair disease!"

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