Chapter 7: Promise to his Descendant

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Aiyoshizawa leaned in closer to EPT3 and whispered, "I know that you have access to Ultraman Legion's database. Can you help me uncover his secret?"

EPT3 looked hesitant, "I don't think I should be helping you with this. Ultraman Legion's secret is meant to be kept hidden."

Aiyoshizawa pleaded, "Please, EPT3. I need to know what he's hiding. I won't tell anyone."

Finally, EPT3 gave in, "Okay, fine. But you have to promise that you won't use this information against Ultraman Legion."

Aiyoshizawa nodded eagerly, "I promise."

EPT3 then activated his computer and began searching through the Ultraman Legion's database. After a few minutes of searching, he found what Aiyoshizawa was looking for.

"Here it is," EPT3 said as he turned to Aiyoshizawa. "Ultraman Legion's secret is that he's not actually from this universe. He's from a parallel universe where his race was in danger of extinction. He was sent here to seek out new technologies and strategies to save his people."

Aiyoshizawa's eyes widened in surprise. "Wow, I had no idea. This changes everything."

"Just remember your promise," EPT3 reminded him. "Don't use this information against Ultraman Legion."

Aiyoshizawa nodded, grateful for EPT3's help. He left the secret room with a newfound respect for Ultraman Legion and his mission. He knew that he had to keep this secret safe and help Ultraman Legion whenever possible.

As Ultraman Legion sat in his own dimension, he couldn't help but think about his promise to protect his descendant, Ultraman. He knew that the young Ultraman was just beginning his journey as a protector of the universe, and he wanted to ensure that he had all the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed.

Ultraman Legion pondered over the various threats that Ultraman might face in the future. There were countless monsters and aliens that had the potential to cause destruction and chaos. And then there were the more subtle dangers, such as those posed by distrust and betrayal.

Ultraman Legion knew that one of his primary roles as a protector was to help Ultraman develop a strong moral compass. He reflected on the lessons he had learned throughout his own long life, and how he could use his experience to guide the young warrior.

He thought about the importance of empathy and understanding, and how these qualities could help Ultraman better connect with the beings he was serving. Ultraman Legion also considered the need for discipline and self-control, recognizing that these would be vital in maintaining Ultraman's focus and strength in the face of adversity.

As Ultraman Legion continued to contemplate his role in Ultraman's development, he felt a sense of duty and responsibility settle over him. He knew that the promise he had made to protect his descendant was not one to be taken lightly, and he would do everything in his power to ensure that Ultraman was well-prepared for any challenges that lay ahead.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Ultraman Legion began to craft a plan for how he could best serve his descendant. He knew that the journey ahead would not be an easy one, but he was confident that by working together.

As Kengo Manaka walked into the room, he could sense the fear and apprehension in the air. He knew that Aiyoshizawa was still hesitant about the idea of Ultraman and everything that came with it.

"Are you ready for your reminder, Aiyoshizawa?" Kengo asked, his voice calm and steady.

Aiyoshizawa hesitated for a moment before nodding her head. She knew that Kengo was risking his life by transforming into Ultraman and fighting against the threats that loomed over them. But at the same time, she couldn't deny the fact that it was ultimately for the greater good.

Kengo closed his eyes and concentrated. A bright flash of light enveloped him, causing Aiyoshizawa to shield her eyes. When she opened them again, Ultraman Trigger was standing in front of her.

Aiyoshizawa gasped in awe. She had seen Ultraman before, but seeing him up close like this was a whole different experience. She could feel the raw power emanating from him.

Ultraman Trigger turned to face her, his eyes locking onto hers. Aiyoshizawa felt a shiver run down her spine. She knew that Ultraman could sense her fear, but instead of attacking her or making her feel even more afraid, he simply stared at her.

In that moment, Aiyoshizawa realized something. Ultraman wasn't just a powerful being who fought against evil. He was also a protector, someone who would go to great lengths to ensure the safety and well-being of others.

She knew that Kengo was risking his life every time he transformed into Ultraman, but at the same time, she realized that it was something he did out of pure selflessness. He was willing to make that sacrifice to protect others, even if it meant putting his own life on the line.

As Ultraman Trigger began to fade away, Aiyoshizawa felt a newfound respect and appreciation for him. She knew that there would still be challenges and dangers ahead, but she also knew that they weren't alone in the fight.

With Ultraman Trigger on their side, they had a chance at overcoming whatever came their way.

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