Toddler Years

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It must have been hard for my mother living in a country where she doesn't know anyone and only having my grandmother as support. When my father die he's family rejected us. To them I was nobody, specially after my diagnosis.

One thing I look back and hurts more I'd the fact that the same year my mom started a new relationship so quick so easy and it kind of hurts knowing that she didn't mourn my father not even half a year.

She started to distance a lot. We share little moments. I realize that's how I begin being distance with her. But her and me have a lot to deal with.
I begin to go to therapy three time a week. It help because by the time I was two I was talking and by two in a half begin taking steps. They gave me special boots to help with my posture.

My grandmother took me to the beach every afternoon to lay down on the sand and every Sunday took me to church. She used to tell me funny stories about how my dad use to get mad because I woke him with load noises because I love to bang the kitchen pots. Writing this makes me laugh about it. She definitely was a blessing and a strong example for me growing up. Always trying her best to teach me everything she new.

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