Never had she ever felt more unwanted, uncared for, and unloved by her father than working in the household of her sister Elizabeth. Babies are supposed to be a joyous time in one's life, but for Mary, it was challenging to find it so. Having been spurned by her father and leaving her household dissolved, the King moved Mary into the home of his new daughter and new princess. It tested her will and strength to avoid jealousy or discontentment with the situation.

The Dowager Queen's secret letters helped keep her head level and heart full. Catherine reminded Mary not to act unjustly, especially in the face of trouble. She also asked her to follow her father's intentions, even into her enemy's home. Her mother further instructed Mary to stay away from any licentious company and not be desirous of seeking any husband that would take her away from Christ's passion. Doing so during this time of trial, she will receive great rewards and gain every desirous thing.

Upon her mother's death, the Princess was bequeathed all of Her Majesty's worldly possessions. The majority of the Dowager Queen's jewels were given to Anne Boleyn, and the fury rose in Mary when she found out. The pieces that survived mockery and the greedy hands of The Whore finally made their way to their intended purpose. The sapphires are some of those precious gems and various pendants embellished with pearls. Her mother loved pearls.

As Mary lovingly held the jewelry, memories remained attached. And while she fondly thought of her mother, it was difficult not to think ill of her father. That is a whole other beast of burden. So Her Highness pushed the man out of her mind altogether because why should she let his unhappy ostracism mar a joyous occasion?

After helping Mary dress and styling her hair, Mabel and Cecily stood back to admire their handiwork. Cecily told their friend, "You know, I think you'll be happy here. It's long overdue. If anyone in this world was in want of happiness, it's you, Mary."

As Cecily fluffed the skirt of the dress, Mabel agreed. "Yes. You and the Duke need joy, especially since you've both been grievously wronged. Wolf Hall is precisely the kind of medicine any physician would prescribe. Everything about it is fresh, vibrant, and different from anything you've had before."

Sweet Cecily added, "Plus, there's no denying the two of you will have gorgeous children. The Duke is as handsome as he is intelligent, and you're passably pretty. It will all work out in the end."

Mary scoffed, "Passably pretty? What am I, curdled milk?"

Cecily and Mabel laughed. The former mentioned, "I was jesting, of course. You are the beauty of your mother and the attractiveness of your father personified. Any man would be pleased to have you. But I can't help to wonder what your mother, Her Majesty, would say if she were here?"

"Hmm... What would my mother say," Mary wondered out loud.

It led to many thoughts and recollections from conversations over the years, be it letters or in person. For one, the Princess was sure Catherine would say (if only because she has the messages to attest to such), "Let me tell you a cautionary tale: Take it from me and look to my life as a result. Beware of getting what you want. It's bound to disappoint you."

But then she also knows her mother would tell her, "Stop overthinking. Life is life. You do not climb aboard the warhorse to sit. You climb on it and ride."

This advice is probably more true than Mary imagines since her mother led the Battle of Flodden. And yet, some words stay forever etched in memory because you've heard them often enough. Between her mother's letters and Lady Salisbury's admonitions, the two merge as one. There is no difference.

Then, Mary profoundly said, "God doesn't give you more than one little piece, one tiny morsel, at a time, especially regarding your life. Otherwise, your heart would burst open if you couldn't handle it. You see, my little love, the Lord only breaks it wide enough so you can still walk, like someone limping with a cane or clubbed foot."

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