Seeing that, the head maid calmly spoke up,"The worker who'd delivered all these has specifically told us to hand this one to you, saying that it's per Master's order."

Fei nodded, too lost.

The earlier troubled look on the head maid's face was long gone. As the only elder among them, she had the responsibility to handle things no matter how unreasonable and absurd they would be.

She quickly snapped at the maids to arrange all the gifts in the mistress's wardrobe. Scared of being scolded, the maids hurriedly got back to their given task.

It will almost take a week to arrange these. Seeing the fine jewels and expensive porcelain antiques, they couldn't hide their envy.

This news will surely change the whole rumored opinion about the mistress being an abandoned bride on her wedding night.

As for Fei, this sudden weird situation felt too unreal for her. After so many months, he finally responded.

That felt too unreal.

The husband she'd never seen or talked to in person, he finally responded. But like this..? She never expected this kind of response even in her dreams.

In a daze, she sat down on the sofa and traced her finger on the jewel case before deciding to open it carefully.

Inside the box was a beautiful pearl necklace, it was really pretty that a smile couldn't help but make a way on her beautiful face.

On observing the neck-wear, the pearls looked bigger than the normal pearls and must've been really pricey by the looks of it.

They beautifully shone on her skin when the chandelier's light fell on it. She bit her lip and took it out, watching it in a silly manner.

Specifically? Does that mean..?

Did he choose it for her himself? Or did he tell someone else to do it for him? If it's the latter, she is going to be upset or maybe not.. that much.

Her eyes fluttered lower in shyness.
She will forgive him.

Fei raised her arms to wear the necklace and her hands made way between her shoulder length hair before clasping the jewel around her neck perfectly.

Her graceful movements were being watched by the maids. They felt happy after seeing their mistress's blissful face before getting back to their work.

Tring! Tring!

Head maid was guiding them to arrange the gifts when a shrill sound of ringing interrupted her and that got Fei's attention too.

The telephone in the living hall had never rang before. Thinking that it was broken, she never gave a thought to it but seeing the tense look on the head maid's face, she tilted her head.

Who it might be calling right now?

Without wasting even a moment, the head maid picked up the telephone and with a calm voice, greeted the person on the other end respectfully.

A sudden assumption appeared in Fei's mind. Is that?

Maybe the person on the other end directed some orders to the head maid and so she looked toward Fei's direction.

Pressing the palm of her hand on the phone, the head maid informed,"Master wishes to speak to you, dear."


That had Fei's mind go blank in an instant.

It was really him??

But nevertheless, she slowly stood up and clumsily took the telephone from the head maid's hand. Her hands slightly shook as she pressed it against her ear, waiting for the other end to speak.

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