"30-minutes, why are you so antsy?" Pops asked, "Oh, you're excited to see Y/n aren't you,"

"Yeah, I haven't seen her in 3 months," I said, handing Angie the baby.

"It could be worse, I didn't see your mother for the first couple years of our marriage," Dad said.

"I know, You know how it is," I said, sighing looking out to the ocean.

"You really like her don't you?" Dad asked.

"You should've seen our letters," I smiled, looking at my dad.

"I guarantee that she's waiting for you at the harbor," Dad said, lightly shoving me.

"Yeah, yeah," I said, shoving him back. 


{Your POV}

 You and Luci arrived at the harbor just in time for the boat to arrive, You were so impatient to see Philip you couldn't stand still. 

"Quit squirming, Y/n, you look like you have something in your dress," Luci tapped you.

"Sorry," You said, standing still, fidgeting with your dress instead.

The boat pulled into the harbor and people were spilling out of the entrance, you searched and scanned for Philip and his family but you didn't see them.

{Philip's POV}

"Excuse me, no need to push, we're all trying to see loved ones," I mumbled.

"Ugh, there are so many people," Angie yelled.

Finally we are able to actually exit the boat, our parents and siblings behind us slightly push through the crowd. Poor Y/n she probably thinks I didn't get on this boat. My family and I make it out of the crowd and I look around for Y/n. There she is, I see her standing next to a wooden pole with her mother.

"Pops, I'm going to-" I said, pointing behind me.

"Go ahead, son," Pops said, shooing me towards Y/n.

"Okay, bye," I said, turning around and walking towards Y/n.

{Y/n's POV}

You look to your left, then to your right, no sign of Philip.

"Y/n!" Someone called you, it was Philip.

You ran towards him with full force and knocked him over.

"Ouch, Missed you too," Philip laughed.

"Ooops, sorry, didn't mean to knock you over," You laughed, helping him up.

"It's okay, If I were you I would tackle myself too," He said, looking into your eyes.

"I missed you... a lot," He smiled.

"I missed you... a lot too," You mocked him.

Philip pulled you into a tight hug, surprised, you took a couple seconds to hug him back. Alexander and Lucinda smiled as the two of you hugged.

"I think people are staring at us," You said, looking up at him.

"I don't care," He let go of you, grabbing your hands.

"Okay, well I do," You said, squeezing his hands.

"Well too bad," Philip said, smiling. Angie walked over to you two

"Hey love birds," Angie cooed, teasing you.

"Go away Angie," Philip shoved Angie.

"Okay, bye you two," Angie teased.

{Philip Pov}


Y/n and I spent the whole day together, we walked around the town, we got ice cream, we met up with friends, until the last part of the day. I was walking Y/n home and we made it to your doorstep.

"I guess this is my stop," You said, smiled.

"I guess it is," I said, shrugging. Y/n opened the door, "Hey Y/n?"

"Yes, Philip?" She asked, I gently pulled her by her wrist.

"Come here," I said, as she stands in front of me.

I place a kiss on her lips.


A cliffhanger!
I'll try to write this week I have CMAS :{
I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

-Love Bri-Bri :)

From the Moment I Saw You {Philip Hamilton x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now