Untitled Part 133

Start from the beginning

As I swung my sword, I felt the familiar unpleasant tenderness of the human body. Blood soon spurted out of the man.

I kept moving my feet and gave him no time to rest.

In the meantime, commands continued to come.

My body naturally responded to the voice.

His constant commands gave me the feeling of him being right next to me.

A colleague who protected one's back couldn't be any more reliable than him.

Moreover, it wasn't only his commands.

'The buff is running out.'

-C points 321.69


As soon as I arrived at the place, divine power began pouring into my body.

The priest who gave me divine power also had his jaw dropped as if he found it absurd.

The only command that the priest received was to pour divine power at the exact point.

Maybe he couldn't even properly check my movements.

'I can understand.'

I could understand how that priest felt.

The feelings I felt now were the same as those of my allies.

It's too absurd.

I never imagined that that kind of thing would be possible. It was like a stage made for me.

There was nothing to think about besides cutting my enemies and getting to the destination I was assigned to.

I didn't even have to worry about magic and arrows falling from the sky.


Allied protection magic always protected me at that point anyway.


With that loud sound, a curtain spread out over the sky and blocked the enemy's magic.

The ally wizard, who cast the defense magic, was looking at me perplexed from a distance.

It was all due to him witnessing the result of a ridiculous command to cast shield magic where the enemy definitely was a few minutes ago.

'This... he's reading the battlefield.'

There was no better way to explain the situation.

Wounds that I inevitably received were immediately healed while I moved.

Buffs on my body never ended as if there was no time limit.

Just by moving to a specified point, a nearby allied priest added divine power to me as if he was already waiting.

If there's a place where I felt was too far, or if I were uncertain if I could pierce through the enemy lines, magic would fall to open the path for me.

The same was true for the warriors who were pushing troops out together.

They pushed away the enemies in such a way that opened enough space for me to find the enemy's face.

'No way.'

I could feel pleasure in my heart.

I didn't enjoy fighting very much. My pleasure came from the fact that I couldn't help but feel like we've become one singular unit.

"Die! This monster bastard! Gasp!"

I heard an ally's voice overlapping with the scream of a fallen enemy.

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