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         Emmy smiled as she rolled out of bed , she quickly wore her flip-flops and walked towards the kitchen to meet Roller typing on the counter. She quickly took out the rice cake from the fridge, but immediately she held it with her right hand she winced. Roller looked up at her, but she just placed it on the table and gave him a big smile but he just looked away smirking. She quickly warmed the rice cake and wrapped it in a fancy lylon. She pulled out two can drinks from the fridge and placed it beside the wrapped rice cake. Roller wanted to ask her what she was doing but he didn't and just continued typing. " What are you typing?" Emmy asked. " Am closing the case. Seem likes Ki Chon used her to get the gadget and - " Roller was saying when Emmy cut in. " She fell in love with him and didn't give him her father workpiece so he killed her out of anger and is now regretting" Emmy shrugged and sat on the counter facing Roller. " Tyler told me. I knew before you" She added. Roller rolled his eyes and focused on his typing. " Could you teach me how to shoot?" Emmy suddenly asked and Roller glance at her. " You don't know how to shoot and you are a detective?!" He asked suprised and disgusted. " Come-on why won't I? It's just that I forgot since I got married to you" Emmy said. " I didn't hold your hand" Roller snapped and Emmy pouted her lips. " Come on please" Emmy pleaded. " No! Go teach yourself" Roller snapped. Gosh! He isn't miserable'  Emmy smirked and started faking a cry. " What are you doing?" Roller sneered. " You rough handed me yesterday and now i twisted my wrist just because of you!" Emmy said crying loudly. Then someone knocked on their door, Roller opened and met face to face with the Caretaker. " Please keep it down! Noise aren't allowed here" The caretaker snapped. " I can't help it" Emmy said increasing her cry. " My husband does not care about me" She added as tears rolled down her cheeks. " Sir please you need take care of your wife" The caretaker said before walking away. Roller took in a deep breath trying to control his anger, he was about to close the door when George head popped in." Hey, Emmy!" He called and Emmy smiled. She quickly ran to hug him;" George my husband don't believe me. Please tell him that i wasn't cheating on him" Emmy said crying." Don't worry George, we are fine" Roller said as he tried to pull Emmy inside. " Don't let him take me, he might hurt me" Emmy said crying. " Roller you don't hit women, what has gotten into you?!" George snapped and Roller glared at him. " Suit yourself" Roller snapped and stormed towards the room. " Are you okay?" George asked and Emmy nodded cleaning her fake tears. " I brought some of my sister's books and her happy face cookies" George said. " Thank you, George. Am so glad she is okay" Emmy said smiling. She took the books and they started eating the cookies. " Hey, am part of the Detective squad" Emmy said and George clapped. " That job really fit you" He said and Emmy giggled. " You can come visit"  Emmy said and George nodded. " Can you wait I need to get changed" Emmy said and George nodded. Emmy smiled, she walked into the room to meet Roller shirtless,his hair was wet and covering his eyes. He was actually stepping out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist. " Gosh! Can't someone have some privacy?!" He demanded and Emmy smiled. " Privacy? You should have dressed up when you were in the bathroom" Emmy snapped and Roller rolled his eyes and walked past her to the closet. Emmy quickly took her bath, she came out dressed in a wore a transparent crop top but she wore a sports bra inside  and she wore a purple mini skirt that stopped on her thigh before sliding into her boot heels. " Seriously are you going on a date?" Roller scoffed. Emmy rolled her eyes as she sprayed herself some perfume which made Roller sneeze. " Great! You are allergic" Emmy cursed before putting the perfume in her purse.  " Angry? Then you must at least sign the divorce papers" Roller said and Emmy laughed. " Nice joke, fire boy" She said and her eyes went icy making the wind to gush in with full speed and push Roller off his feet. " Let's go shall we? And please cover up that flat chest of yours it's so annoying" She added before walking out of the room. " Flat?!" Roller snapped angrily. He checked his muscles and smiled;" Let's see what you calling flat" he said with a smirk.

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