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Kavin Khanna: He is one of the most powerfull gangster of the world rules Asia

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Kavin Khanna: He is one of the most powerfull gangster of the world rules Asia. He is an orphan bff of Rocky and Laksh. Can do anything for them. He is cold and ruthless. Though he believes in love but think it is as weakness. He is called as "Devil 😈" in mafia world. But if he loves someone he will do anything for them.

Laksh Singhal: He is also one of the most powerful and ruthless mafia king of Europe

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Laksh Singhal: He is also one of the most powerful and ruthless mafia king of Europe. He is also an orphan. Bff of Kavin and Rocky. He is known as "Tiger" who is ruthless and merciless among all. Loves his Bff's the most can do anything for them.

Raja Bhairya: He is also a very powerfull gangster

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Raja Bhairya: He is also a very powerfull gangster. Known as Rocky . He is dangerous , smart, ruthless,  merciless but at the same time he is sweet for his loved ones. He can take lives and give his life for  whom he loves. He is known as "monster " with whom no one should mess with.

About these three:
- Kavin was not an orphan but after his parents died in a mafia attack he was taken to orphanage where he met Laksh.
- Laksh was a simple boy whose parents left him at the orphanage when they were divorced as they both don't want him in his life. He met Kavin in orphanage and they became friends over there. He is afraid from word "love" after his parents left him.
- Rocky used to live on streets of Bombay after his mother died. Once he met Kavin and Laksh and they took him to orphanage with them as they all felt connected to each other...

Hey guys I hope you like the characters 😊 .
Tomorrow or day after tomorrow I will surely give a double update as I am also excited as it is my first story..
I hope u aren't getting bored🙂

Till the next update tata bye bye 👋😘😘

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