To Hold or To Be Held

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"I can move if you'd prefer that." Enid mumbled half awake into the dark-haired girls neck. Enid's warm breath, causing Wednesday's pulse to quicken.

Wednesday contemplated for a minute. They had been sharing a bed since Enid arrived. She knew technically it was no different now than a day ago.

Yet she could not get herself under control.

"Yes, I would appreciate it if you moved." Wednesday said, Enid could tell she was struggling to keep her voice level.

Enid's eyes snapped open, and she instantly put every ounce of space between the both of them. Wednesday's comfort is the only thing that mattered.

"I can sleep in the guest room, I dont want to push." Enid repressed a whine. She didn't want to leave, but she so would. Anything for her mate.

"Mon loup (my wolf), you do not need to leave. Allow me?" Wednesday reached out for the taller girl, looking not unlike a small child.

Enid was already almost standing back-peddling so fast that she nearly fell. She halted instantly. Staring at Wednesday, eyes wide and heart open. Waiting.

Enid put her hand in Wednesday's tentatively. Allowing the other girl to pull her back.

Wednesday positioned the two. She was lying facing Enid with their hands still interlocked.

"I do not mind you here. I am just not sure how.." Wednesday was struggling with what to say, what she actually meant. She had already exposed her raw nerves too much that night.

"Not sure what you're comfortable with?" Enid asked, smiling at the other with an earnestness that could be felt.

"Yes." Wednesday said instantly, silently grateful she had someone who could understand her when she did not understand it.

"How about I move slowly. When we get to a way you are comfortable with, we will sleep like that?" Enid offered. It's like she always had an idea of how to help her girlfriend. Maybe Wednesday could come to appreciate someone showing her new things.

Wednesday nodded to show she was okay with what Enid had said. Forming words was just not working for her.

Enid smiled, she thought for a moment first.

"Would you prefer to be the big or little spoon?" She asked her partner.

By the confused look on Wednesday's face, clearly she was going to have to ask in Wednesday safe terms.

"Do you prefer to hold me or have me hold you?" Enid changed her question.

Wednesdah considered her partner's question. Did she really know the answer? Any other day, her answer would be to kill whoever attempted to hold her anywhere. Clearly, that is not what Enid meant.

Enid was not asking to hold her down or keep her from moving. Still, the idea of someone having that capability was not fun.

"Although I prefer neither, I will say to hold someone else." Wednesday said she was being thoughtful of Enid's attempts.

"Okay, come here." Enid says with a grin.

Enid flips around, reaching behind her for Wednesday's hand. Wednesday slowly places her hand into the other Girl's. Enid lightly pulls her into cuddling. She placed Wednesday's arm around her stomach firmly.

"How's this?" Enid asks, suppressing her giggles of enjoyment.

"It is not horrible." Wednesday responds, although her heart was again rising. Having her wolf so close was just intense.

Especially because neither girl had ever spoken about the cuddling they had found themselves in each morning. This was on the very cusp of Wednesday's boundaries only because she knew each morning they woke up this close. Closer sometimes.

"If this is too much, it's okay to move, baby." Enid spoke up, chancing a petname. She needed to test the waters.

Wednesday's arm was gone immediately, and she also sat straight up. Rigid beyond belief.

"This relationship has no room for such commonplace endearment, Enid." It was said so matter-o-factly that Enid had to do a double take.

"Then what am I supposed to call you?" Enid whined sitting up now with Wednesday.

"I can not decide for you. You will find something that works." Wednesday gave no room for debate.

Sighing, Enid admitted defeat, besides. She liked the idea of finding a perfect name for Wednesday, something that was theirs.

Wednesday used many terms, but Enid understood almost none of them. Maybe she needed to find something like that.

"I would appreciate it if we slept like we normally do. You are allowed to be just minutely closer than before." Wednesday lied back down and crossed her arms over her chest.

It was not exactly what Enid wanted but she wanted her mate comfortable before anything. So she listened, although she scooted close enough so her back was against Wednesday's shoulder.

The touch instantly calming all her crazy emotions.

And when she felt Wednesday's hand rubbing barely there circles on her back. She could not help the instant sleep she dove into.

Wednesday listened as her wolf's breathing evened out. Her own slightly elevated. She felt the need to hold Enid close, she wanted to be closer. She was cursing herself for such feelings yet, they would not fade. She hated it.

She gave into it.

She snaked an arm around Enid's midsection, pulling her ever so slightly closer. She could not help the light sigh that escaped her lips.

She could not help the tension that immediately released from her shoulders and how her clenched jaw released.

Enid had to have magical powers to have such affects on her. She mentally noted to check the library another time.

In this moment she just enjoyed the feeling of comfort.

And if she missed the smiled Enid had on her face. No one else saw it either.

(A/N Okay... I totally randomly found what Enid's special petname is gonna be and Oh My God. Just. It's great.

I know that in a lot of Wenclair stories Enid speaks Greek, and I love Greek so much it's an amazing language and saying "my love" in Greek is top tier. But it's also really complicated so for this story: She does not speak it. She does however, do some research.

Also I am trying to add extra detail which is why the cuddling thing is so pulled out, as someone who has only cuddled with one person ever. Its like something so incredibly vulnerable and can be super awkward when you aren't yet comfortable with it. I'm trying to show that within this chapter! Thanks for reading!! So sorry I talk so much extra.)

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