𝒙𝒊𝒊. house parties

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     A FEW MONTHS in New York and at Blackmore made Carina start to believe things might actually be going back to normal. Truthfully, after last year, it was almost a lot to think about. Nonetheless, she didn't like dwelling on it too long, because she didn't want to ruin it for herself or any of the others. This is probably why she agreed to go out for Halloween instead of staying in, no matter how much she would've preferred the latter. For a moment she did debate staying home with Quinn, but when the other girl said that she would be having company over, she was a little more easily convinced.

     So, here she was, staring at a couple making out sloppily while she sat on the arm of a couch next to Mindy and Anika. The couple made it official some months ago, and the dark-haired girl has been part of their group since. Carina likes her, and she smiles at her simple pumpkin costume when her eyes fall on her. "It doesn't bother you?" she asks, looking up at her and then at her girlfriend. "Being at a house party after you were almost brutally murdered at a house party?"

     Carina laughs lightly and ignores the tiny churn in her stomach at the reminder. "Was trying not to think about it," she calls to be heard over the music.

     "No," Mindy answers after. "I think of it like being struck by lightning. The odds of it happening twice to the same person are extremely low."

     The words hit dig under Carina's skin, and she tries not to make a face as she brings her cup to her lips. Amaya gave it to her when they first got there and she has no idea what it is, but suddenly she needs a drink. As lovely as it would be to think like Mindy, Carina can't help but think of her Aunts Sydney and Gale, and especially her Uncle Dewey. They had to face numerous Ghostface killers repeatedly, and it wasn't something she could forget or wave off. Actually, she thought about it often. Stewed in it and what it could mean for her and her friends, especially when rumors about Sam were still circulating the internet to this day. Those things drew weird people in, and it wasn't easy to wave it off and act like it might not affect them like Mindy does.

     Scanning the room under the brim of her pirate hat, she wonders briefly where the rest of their friends went. Despite Mindy being her best friend, she had a compelling urge to leave her and Anika in the moment.

     "Ah. Guess I should stay close to you then," Anika muses, swinging her legs into Mindy's lap. Carina smiles a little despite the sour turn in her mood because it's nice to see that Anika doesn't shy away from them despite knowing what they've dealt with in the past and the repercussions it still causes in their daily lives. More often than not one of the five of them will wake up in a cold sweat, panic at a noise too loud, or something along those lines. Carina had assumed people would steer clear of them for a while because of that--along with the rumors--but their new friends have taken it all in stride and been understanding.

     Speaking of, out of the corner of her eye, Carina spots Amaya's bright red devil costume. Pushing off the couch, she smiles at the couple on it and motions over her shoulder. "Gonna go find Amaya," she tells them, stepping away when they nod. 

     Crossing the room, she rolls her eyes at the drunk dude who ogles her up and down but it melts into a smile when she comes up to Amaya. "Hey," she greets, sliding an arm in her elbow and pulling her to her side.

     "Ciao, Chickadee." Amaya kisses her head briefly where the pirate hat falls before scanning the room again. "You seen Tara?"

     Pouting, she shakes her head and looks around the room herself. "Not since she was with you. Lose her?"

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