*end of day*

Day one's over, I ended up walking to class with an ice bag in my hands and had to sit on it all day. The girl who was supposed to catch me dropped me, I think it was on purpose but it's fine because I was happy to be there! No one expects me to show up tomorrow, but I will do it! No one can tell me not to. Though I can hear my parents and Constance talking downstairs while I rest in my room.

"You were supposed to talk her out of this!"

"She tries out for cheer leading every year!"

"Ocean's no cheer leader." Wait no, I hear no parents. I hear, Noel? Weird. What is he doing here? 

I yelled down the stairs, "that is a terrible thing to say about me Noel! Say it to my face next time, soften the blow!"

Then I heard all my friends run up the stairs, "that wasn't a compliment!" I knew it wasn't, he has bad blood with cheer leaders he thought he had true love with one of the dudes on the cheer leading team, now anytime you bring it up he screams, "Noah!" All dramatically. It's super funny actually.

*day 2* 

"You made it to day two?" The coach really doesn't like me. She has to be shocked at this point.

"Yes! Yes I have!" And you can hear a distinct 'whoo!' in the back, I have my own cheer section now! I have all my friends with me, waiting for this to be over. All of them know the drill at this point. They all have their own thing to say once the coach looks at them.

"I'm here to pick up the pieces." Constance says while looking at the coach with a nervous expression.

"I'm here because I want to see this." Mischa says, he's the only one who has never seen me do this.

"I'm here because I believe in her." Penny says just above a whisper.

"I'm here because I want to show my cheerleader enemies have no hold on me!" And that was obviously Noel. And Ricky was just standing there with a slight smile, knowing what's about to go down. And the coach has a a bell in her hand.

"This here is the Ocean bell."

"She has a bell named after me!"

"When you quit, you will ring this bell and leave." I will never ring that bell. She knows it, my friends know it.

"Day two, tumbling. This is the day I will learn the control you have over your bodies." And I hear Constance ring the bell.


"I want you to live."

And as the coach continues to talk I hear the bell go off again.


"Yamashida, man!" Yamashida's the name of one of the girls already on the team. And the girls keep tumbling one by one. And another person rings the bell just before I can start tumbling.


"Nyet!" Which if you didn't know means 'no' in  Dutch. Then I accidentally rubbed my hands on the coach's donut thinking it was grip chalk and she yelled at me to tumble. And I certainly tumbled after two attempts.

*after day 2 of tryouts*

"All you had to do was ring the bell! Did you ring the bell? No! We rang the bell for you and now look at you! Was that good enough for you? Apparently not. Because now you have another bag of ice for your butt. That's two days in a row!" Penny yelled following behind me to the cafeteria. 

*morning, day 3 of tryouts, third person pov*

"I've never been more proud of you." Penny started. "You made it through day two without ringing the bell. No one expected this! No one expects you to be at school today. So we'll see you when you're back in one piece."

Then Constance starts yelling at the lump that should be Ocean's body. "Ring the bell! Ring any bell! Ring the door bell!" And Penny went off to tell the coach that she rang the bell and the horrific nightmare that has been the past few days. But everyone else was asking the lump a million questions.

"Is she alive?"

"Did she make it through the night?" And such, but no one can get an answer. And after a while of talking to the lump they notice that it's not Ocean, it's a bunch of pillows and Ocean got there early.

She was at school begging the coach for an inspirational speech. That she was not about to get. And after a long morning of the hell that was Ocean trying out, she got nothing. But all the girls stood up for her, and got her the place of extra. As in a stand in for when one of the other girls go down.

And after a while her efforts ended up with her in an interview the camera pans to her friends and all of them have signs that say, "Go Ocean!" Except for Noel's that said, "Call me Noah!!" In all caps, and in bright green."

ok very weird ending but i loved this despite how long this is im kinda just feeding yall bc knowing me im abt to go into hiding due to my lack of ideas, ur welcome and i have no song so ur welcome for not annoying yall with that

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