Chapter 1

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It was dark. No light was anywhere, no warmth. He tried to move his body but he couldn't. All his muscles were frozen on the spot. His eyes, he tried to open them but he could not tell if they were open or closed because of the darkness that was surrounding him. He could hear something in the distance. A frequent noise that sounded like rain drops but it was only one. One drop falling off somewhere and crashing on the surface of either a rock or water. It sounded soothing for a bit but got on his nerves after some time. How long had he been here? How long wouldn't he be able to move? Did everything they work for mean nothing in the eyes of death. He finally wanted to be free from his suffering. He wanted to be free from his painful life. He did everything he was told. He became a monster to protect the island. He let go of his humanity to protect someone he finally was able to open up to after all these years of loneliness. He wanted her to live. That's why he was able to sacrifice himself for her. He knew he'd be trapped in her barrier, he knew that he could die. And yet he wanted it that way. But here he was lying glued to the ground god knows where and wasn't able to get out of it. He was getting sick of it. Was it the same for Gungtan? He had hoped that they both just cease to exist when Mi-Ho placed her barrier but if he was still here, maybe Gungtan was as well. He had no idea. He just knew one thing. If he was still alive, if he could actually call this being alive, he wanted to get out of here and see her again. He had to. If this was, maybe after all a second chance for him he'd use it no matter the cost. He heard a crack in the distance. There were voices. The crack got louder and he was met with a tiny bit of light. The voices grew louder, just like the crack above him grew bigger. In a second the ceiling gave in and he was buried again with more rocks and dust but a second later he felt hands on his arms and was pulled upwards towards the light. He needed a moment to take in his surroundings but he realized immediately where he was. It was up the hill right under the circle where Mi-Ho placed her barrier. He was at the same spot where he and Gungtan vanished into thin air. But how? There were people around him, people cloaked in white. He could not see any faces just their silhouettes. Slowly he turned around and saw Gungtan, he was the same as him, confused and overwhelmed. The sun which they both haven't seen for what felt like an eternity made his body heat up. It felt uncomfortable at some point. He felt like he was literally burning up. Looking down at his hands he knew now why he felt like that. He was indeed burning up and when he looked back at Gungtan he was the same. The people in white started to chant something on a language he had never heard before. He couldn't understand anything, his cries drowned out everything else around him. He gripped his head when the pain started to grow more intently there. He had to catch his breaths when he felt them stuck in his throat. He could feel it. The darkness inside of him which he tried so long to fight off, finally resurfaced and took over. His pale skin was covered in a black and golden cloak and when he opened his eyes they were a deep red, hungry for blood. Van was no longer human. He was a demon.



Won Mi-Ho had been pulled out of her sleep with a loud scream. It was her own. She panted, trying to catch her breath. She was sweaty and looked around nervously. This had happened a few times now after she came back from Jeju island but lately it happened more regularly. But she never screamed his name before. Maybe this was another sign. She had kept her eyes on the barrier for the whole last year. A week ago, his weapon started to shake and the barrier as well. It was getting unstable but she could not tell why. She called Yohan about it and he said he was feeling uneasy as well. Did something really crack the barrier open? What about Van then? Mi-Ho was getting nervous and impatient as she checked the clock. It was 3 am. Her flight to Jeju was at 8 am. She and Yohan decided to go back to Jeju island to check up on the happenings. They already arranged everything with butler Jang and booked the flights. Thinking back Mi-Ho didn't see Yohan the whole year. Yes they kept in touch and called each other a lot but they couldn't meet up. Mi-Ho was drowned in work that came with her chairwoman position and Yohan went back to Italy doing only god knows what. She smiled at the thought. 

Island: The Legendحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن