"Wow, Stalker Meets Kidnapper!"

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Vance's POV

All my friends came over after school because it was Friday so we were hanging out, then all of a sudden Malachi hits my window. "Dude, what the fuck don't break my window my mom'll get all pissed" I say to him. "I thought you said your stalker neighbor was a girl." My other friend Jason said getting up to look out the window. I got up to look outside and so did Moose. "What the hell are they doing there?!" I accidentally said out loud. "They don't look like a girl." Moose stated. We all flipped off the boys. They were doing stuff back so I got pissed and just stared.

I was about to open my window and go over there when we saw a girl push them looking embarrassed and pink in the face. She mouth I'm so sorry before those boys got up and went to her record player. She was looking right at me before she walked away. "Hey, you're right!" Malachi started "that's the chick you made cry today!" they all laughed but me, I was still looking through her window. They were dancing. "No joke bro, she's kinda hot." I heard Jason say with the other two nodding. "Whatever" I finally turned away from the window, but couldn't stop thinking about how she only looked at me...and what was she doing having guys in her house?
3RD Person POV

When you guys all got tired from dancing you dropped to the floor in laughter. "Im gonna run down and get some lemonade, do you guys want anything? you offered and they both said lemonade too.

While you were downstairs Robin and Finney think it would be funny to open the window and insult the boys. Vance opens his window back and starts yelling at them. Running upstairs with the drinks from all the noise when you walk in you see them sticking out the window. "Guys, Stop!" you say laughing grabbing their shirts and pulling them back inside. You were so distracted you forgot to close your window.

      "Are you guys trying to get me murdered?!" you said in a playful but serious tone. "I caught him looking in here, you know what that means?" Robin said grinning. You shook your head. "You are both stalkers, so now you can get together and have little stalker babies and be one big stalker family" he teased you. "Yuck" you laughed. "You know, I think I just vomited in my mouth." Finney said before we all laughed.

       Finn slightly pointed at the window and whispered "Why is he still looking in here, it's creeping me out." "Me too, he's such a weirdo" Robin said side eyeing him. You crawled over to the window and poked your head out. "For someone who doesn't like to be watched you sure do stare at my window a lot" you smile. "Shut the fuck up" he rolled his eyes and flipped you off. "Love you too babe" you winked and closed your window before laughing with Finn and Robin.

      "WHY DID YOU SAY THAT?" Finney said running out of breath from laughing so hard. "I don't know he just looks like he needs some lovin" a tear rolls down your cheek. "That was so fun, but i'm gonna take a shower real quick" you say widening your eyes "so don't do anything to torture those poor poooor boys" you say in a mocking voice pouting. They laugh.

      While in the middle of your shower there is loud banging on the restroom door. "Hold on!" you yell getting out and wrapping a towel around you. "Yes?" you open the door to Robin looking worried. "Can you get dressed quickly, it's kind of an emergency." "Where is Finn?" you ask looking behind him. "That's part of it so please hurry" he sits on your bed as he waits for you to change in the restroom. You walk out wearing a black spaghetti strap tank top and red shorts as your pajamas. "Soooo, what's up?" you ask concerned.

     "Don't get mad, buttttt-" you rolled your eyes "me and Finn thought ding dong ditching Vance's house would be funny, so when we did he tripped while we ran in your house and they kinda took him inside. "WHAT?!" you screamed. "I cannot leave you two alone." you say opening your window. "Hey!" you yell with no answer. "Helloooo!" still no answer. "Answer me fucker!" you yell then the other window opens quickly. "Don't talk to me like that or you won't get your friend" he did that stupid evil smile he does. "What do I have to do to get my friend back?" You sighed facepalming. "Come over and get him, but don't bring him." he points at Robin. "Mk" you say getting up.

    "What..so you're just gonna go?" Robin asked. "Duhhh, we need Finn he's our friend" you smiled walking out. Once you get outside it's super cold and your wet hair isn't helping. *knock knock knock* "I'm here!" you yell shivering. "Can I have my friend back now?" The door opens slowly with nobody in front of it. "Uhm hello?" you peek your head in. "BOO" vance jumps out. "HOLY SHIT!" you scream while panting. "You want your friend, then come in and get him." he makes an entry way under his arm while leaning on the door. "ok" you say scared. "Where is he?" Vance points upstairs.

    You walk in his room to see Finney crying sitting in the corner. "Finn!" you go to him and hug him. "What the fuck did you guys do to him?!" you put your hands on your hips standing up. *flirty whistle* "Hot stalker has an attitude don't she?" Malachi says looking you up and down. "Glad to be your eye candy sicko" you help Finney up and start to head out of his room. A hand grips your wrist, and when you turn around you're face to face with Vance. "don't mess with me girl." he grins in your face while all his friends laugh. "I'm 'stalker' right?" you reply quickly. "Mhm" he says glaring at you. "Wow, stalker meets kidnapper!" he tightens his grip on your wrist. "Isn't this exciting!" you yank your arm away. "Cya later babe" you blow a sarcastic kiss and walk away. As your walking out you hear his friends go "Ooooooh!" "Cmon Finn let's go get some sleep" you yawn walking back in your house.

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