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"Who knew this would be so hard? Hm... I did," Evelyn muttered to nobody in particular. After explaining to her parents how her and Ethan managed to find their way back 'home' through all the chaos, Evelyn dreadfully found herself back in her childhood jail cell. It hadn't changed at all, and she felt stupid for expecting it to be different. It wasn't. Everything she'd once observed while she had nothing better to do had stayed the exact same.

She sat cross-legged on her familiar mattress, and nostalgic feelings hit her in waves. Sprawled out in front of her were her many journals and diaries she left behind when she moved out to college. She was trying to get the courage to read through them, but she was afraid of the dark place it would potentially put her in. Though she was nearly a twenty-two year old woman, she'd never felt more like a child. A scared, weak child.

She slumped back against the headboard, staring at nothing in particular. She let out a deep sigh, as if it'd rid herself of the many heavy feelings weighing her down. She'd barely been back an hour, but she knew she needed to get out of this place as soon as she got the chance.

Two firm knocks on her wooden door caught her attention. The sound of a muffled, yet familiar voice rang throughout the room. "Ev, It's me. Can I come in?"

"Come in!" She shouted, shooting up from her spot to fix both her posture and her messy hair. She didn't know when she started caring about how Ethan saw her, when she started wanting to look pretty and impress him. She felt different around him now, and the feelings she felt were very much welcomed.

"Hey..." Ethan stepped in cautiously. The guilt he felt for making his best friend revisit her childhood was crushing him endlessly. He saw firsthand how it effected her. Even though it needed to happen, he wished there could've been another way. "How are you?" He asked, though he felt he already knew the answer. He sat down in front of her.

"To be honest, not great. I think you could've guessed that," Evelyn quietly joked, staring down at her hands.

"I know, Ev. Come here," he didn't take his eyes off the girl. Not even when his hands moved to place her old journals on the floor. He didn't even ask what they were, and Evelyn's heart warmed knowing he respected her boundaries (though she would've let him read through them if he had asked). Once they were out of the way, he pulled her into a comforting hug.

Evelyn returned it immediately. She didn't realize how exhausted she was until her face was pressed against Ethan's chest. She didn't want to rest now though, how could she? She wanted to stay like this— wrapped in his arms, safe. So she savored the moment, taking note of everything she felt.

"It's just so hard, Ethan," she whispered, squeezing her eyes shut.

"I know, Ev. I know," he comforted her further by gently running his hand through her hair the way he knew she liked.

She sighed, pressing her face further into his body. "I'm okay," she muttered. She tried to convince herself it was true— she really didn't know if she was okay, but she was going to keep going nonetheless. Ethan's shoulders deflated in sadness for the girl who meant so much to him.

"Okay," he nodded, not wanting to go against her and break the fragile front she was putting up. It was for her own good. "You know, if you ever need me or just want someone to talk to, you can come over any time you want. I would stay with you all day if I could, but I don't think either of our families would be too happy with that," the two shared a soft, sad laugh, "besides, I have a feeling I'm gonna be crushed with chores."

Evelyn pouted. "That's so boring."

"I know," he groaned dramatically.

Evelyn chuckled and sighed. Her worries temporarily went away and she was able to relax in Ethan's arms. "Hey, Ethan-"

"Look at me, Ev," he cut her off. There was an edge to his words, a certain desperation and it made Evelyn feel confused.

She pulled back, eyebrows knitted together. "What is it?"

He didn't say anything. Evelyn blushed at the way he was staring at her. He was biting back his words, and she didn't like it. She just wanted him to lay his thoughts out on the table, to spare her further confusion and everything that came along with that. She could've sworn she saw his gaze flicker down her face, but she had to have been seeing things.

"Ethan, seriously. What is it?"

"Ev! Could you come down here?" Her father's loud voice caused the pair to both snap their heads in the direction of the door. Of course someone had to interrupt. Whatever, she'd just ask him about it later. She was his best friend after all. They told each other everything, there shouldn't be any reason for him feel the need to hide this from her.

"What is it, dad?" Evelyn asked her father with Ethan right on her tail.

"I just spoke with Jeremiah," Evelyn's heart dropped at the mention of the sour man's name. No wonder her father looked stressed beyond belief. There was no doubt he'd just walked away from an argument. He handed her a stapled packet of papers. "Here's your schedule. You've got chores like the rest of us. He says you need to 'pull your weight, and earn your keep'. Of course, if it were anyone else, I would've agreed, but he insisted. I tried to get him to give you the jobs you could do by yourself but ultimately it was his call."

Evelyn felt the heavy feeling return at the tone her father was using when speaking to her. He sounded exhausted, which was totally fair, but he was also making it seem like it was her fault. Like he was placing the blame on her. Like she was the reason he had to be so stressed out all the time. The thought was almost laughable. Surely her father would never feel that way. He was probably just tired, that's it.

"I'll look out for her, Mr. Clifford. No need to worry," Ethan spoke with uncertainty, and Evelyn could practically hear the scowl on his face. He must've felt the same tension Evelyn did. They both shared the same confusion.

"...Thank you," he nodded at the young boy. He gave Evelyn one last look and wasted no time in leaving the two alone.

Evelyn stood seemingly frozen in her spot as she tried to register whatever just happened. She sighed. This was just the last thing she needed. "Ev," she turned her head to Ethan once she heard his voice, "spend the rest of the day with me? We could go back to my place and read a book or just talk, or something," Evelyn softly smiled and nodded, appreciating her friend's attempt at distracting her.

guys i think i've really found
my love for this story again!
i'm so excited to show you guys
where this goes and what i
have been planning. so
here's some ethan and ev
being super sweet but also
some not super sweet stuff
ugh why can't ev catch a break!
wc: 1258

Evermore - Troy Ottoजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें