"o-oh.. i'm y/n... nice to meet you.." i said shyly, nodding at her before standing in front of the chef that poured food into my tray. helmeppo and koby silently followed along, getting food as well. "i'm hina. you new? sit with me, chibi!" she grinned, taking her tray that was full of food. "okay.. can my friends also come?" i asked, motioning to the two boys who probably shit themselves already. they flinched in fear when she glanced at him, and she shrugged. "doesn't matter to me."

i nodded, "thank you..."

when we sat down on a table, i finally noticed how intimidated everyone was by her. or maybe they respected her? is that why they all moved out of the way when she arrived, without resisting?

i shrugged, before focusing on my food. doesn't matter as long as we get to eat!

helmeppo and koby on the other hand completely lost their appetite, making hina raise an eyebrow, "you two aren't eating?" they shook their head, "we  are! sorry, ma'am!!" immediately they began scarfing their food down, making her laugh loudly. "these two are you friends? how'd that happen?"

i swallowed my food, "we are roommates..." i said quietly, making her humm. "you'll have to talk louder, chibi. can't hear ya through the bustling cafeteria."

"w-we're roommates! i'm new here."

"hey hey! didn't know you were friends with hina, little angel." a voice said from behind me and my face lit up. "rosinante?" i asked, looking behind me to see the said man happily grinning at me. "hey! mind if i sit here?" koby and helmeppo froze, staring at him.

i nodded, scooting over to give him space. "eh? why are you here? go sit somewhere else." hina said, shoving a spoonful of food into her mouth. "i've made friends with the little angel. right?" he grinned, staring at me. i tilted my head, "angel? my name is y/n.. did you forget?" i asked, making koby and helmeppo's souls leave their bodies. rosinante was surprised, before bursting out laughing. "isn't she hilarious? and my bad, y/n."

hina chuckled, "where is she from? she mentioned being new."

"sky island."

"ahh... i thought that place was a myth."

suddenly rosinante fell down his chair, making everyone turn to him in surprise. "are you okay..?" i asked, staring at his fallen figure. he sat up, getting another chair as the one he was on somehow broke. "i'm good..."

hina sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose. "you'll have to get used to his annoying antics, chibi." she said, shaking her head in disappointment.

i finished my food, and noticed that koby and helmeppo had as well, though their faces were so ghastly pale that i thought they were possessed. "i finished... i will leave now.. it was nice meeting you, hina." i said, giving her a short bow. she grinned, "so cute! i'll seeya later, chibi!"

"bye, little angel." rosinante smiled. koby and helmeppo saluted them before running off with me. we left our trays and they immediately dragged me out of the cafeteria. "since when were you friends with the commander rosinante-san and captain hina?!???!!!!" koby yelled, "that was so cool! did you see them, helmeppo??"

"obviously i did, dumbass!" helmeppo yelled back. i tilted my head, "commander? captain? i thought they were like the other marines. i don't understand these ranks....." i said quietly, making koby sweatdrop. "well that's fine, i wouldn't expect you to since you are completely new."

"hey! i'm more concerned over the fact that she claims she's from the sky island!" helmeppo said, making me rub my chin. "i am. i fell."

"uh.. you fell?"

"mhm.." i whispered, "i-i can't get back up... so garp took me.. here." 

"well don't worry! you'll fit right in! the commander and captain already like you! that's a good start." koby grinned, making me smile and nod my head.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Sep 20, 2023 ⏰

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