They all turned to the fire where the picture of the world was. After 2 minutes, Suki had won the contest. "Fine you win I'll go! Stupid over grown lizard." Said Astraea as her voice echoed from the fire into the room.

"Ha I win!" Jack laughed loudly.

Marlene and Cass (Cassiopeia's nickname as she hated her long name) both groaned as they often won the bets and slumped back into the sofa as Lily smiled.

Back on Earth...

After looking around to make sure nothing was around that could harm them, Astraea brought down the charms which surrounding the campsite. "Ready?" She sighed and looked down gently toward Suki.

A happy chirp came from the little dragon. "Ok, come on," she said holding out her arm for Suki to climb onto. Once Suki was on her arm, they apparated to Hogsmeade.

They landed in a quiet part of Hogsmeade behind some tall dark houses. Suki climbed of her arm and landed clumsy as she was still not used to the affects of apparating.

Astraea giggled as she pulled out her pocket watch which she has had stolen a few years back. It said 3 o'clock which meant it was a few hours till the feast.

Using her magic, she turned into a large black rook. Astraea had learned to shape shift with different incantations before she ran away. She discovered it was good for sneaking around as a mouse. It also allowed her and Suki to fly together places which she found enjoyable as it gave her a sense of freedom.

Nearing the castle, they passed over the forbidden forest when Astraea stopped still in mid air. Suki, who was now slightly ahead, turned around in confusion. She was just about fly over to the black bird when Astraea dived down into the forest. Worrying slightly about her friend, Suki dived after her.

Just before she landed, Astraea transformed back into her human self and stared in awe at something in the shadows of the clearing. As Suki landed, she saw Astraea looking at something in the shadows. It was a simple rope swing. A worn plank of wood was tied at the end of two pieces of rough thick rope. It was attached to a huge oak tree which looked like it had been there for decades. Suki turned around as she heard a sniffle behind her.

Astraea was in shock.

How had it stayed this long?

Memories flooded her mind as she walked around- a stray tear fell down her cheek. The small trickling waterfall still stood above the calm and clear creek which she used to play in during hot days.

A certain memory began to play out in her mind...

"Come on, please! It's really nice there," pleaded Astraea who was now 11 or 12 years old.

"No we aren't allowed in the forest! Besides I have homework," scolded Hermione who was carrying some papers in her hands.

"But please you have plenty of time to finish it and we won't get caught I promise!" Astraea said pouting her lips and doing her best puppy eyes, knowing that's Hermione's weakness. Hermione glared at her before finally caving in.

"Fine but if we get caught, it's your fault," huffed Hermione with a slight smile.

"Thank you! I'll go tell the boys now," Astraea said as she hugged Hermione and began to run out the room,"oh, wear something you don't mind getting wet!" She said as she ran back into room then ran back out again. Astraea could hear Hermione giggle down the hall.

Astraea slid down the boys hall as her socks were quite slippery. She knocked 3 times in an upbeat rhythm. As the door swung open, she saw the boy with messy raven hair and green eyes.

Memories - HJP x OCМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя