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A busy day it was in the vast kingdom of Elysium.

As a simple blacksmith, Y/N had never been able to get a day off as travellers from around the world asked for well-made weapons day and night.

She had been getting understandably tired this time of year, where the sun beat down mercilessly on her back from her small open abode.

Many times she'd hear the usual. 'Whats a pretty lady like you doing making swords and axes?', or other flirtatious attempts by the many swordsmen who came for their items.

However, she liked it just fine by herself. It was her father's job, and being a blacksmith was the only thing she was good at.

Also, she was not very good at open communication.

One day, as she finished making a spectacular blade, setting it in water as smoke hissed and wafted around her face, she drew back her H/C hair and sighed.
Only a couple hundred more jobs for that month.
And the next.

Hearing a sudden shout outside her house, E/C hues shot to her window. The blacksmith looked out and stared at the commotion.

'The Vanguard is back!'
'Oh, really? They were successful in their expedition?'

The Vanguard. A group of adventurers that set out to keep Elysium safe from the dangers that lurked, like Xenokuni.
That city was the breeding place of corruption monsters, whom all feared.

She walked outside and tapped a lady's back. 'Forgive me for asking, but I can't see them.'
'Oh,' the woman smiled. 'They're arriving just this minute, a royal scout spotted their flag a few minutes ago.'

'Hm.' Brushing some soot off her dress, Y/N waited for the so-called saviours to arrive.
She hadn't concerned herself with adventurers. It would just make the pit in her heart bigger.

In all honesty, Y/N was fond of exploring and learning new things. Her mother wouldn't allow it, trying to get her married or atleast take over their small business as the only child.
It was a normal reason for bitterness, because she'd never been given the chance to see the world for herself.

'Here they are now!'

The villagers cheered as a carriage made its way through the street.
In the front was a blue haired man with a courageous smile, waving as everyone cheered.
She put up her hand hesitantly. Y/n knew this was Regis Altare, a brave man who was also a friend of hers.

Or was...he doesn't even send me letters anymore...

Beside him sat a blonde, purple eyes glinting as he smirked. He wasn't too handsome, but the women swooned from below. 'Magni Desmond, what a gentleman!' A few girls next to her giggled to themselves.
'Now now, ladies.' He winked, Y/n watching a girl fall and blinking in shock.

This was what the city was ectastic about?

Next to him, riding a horse and his eyes rolling, was Axel Syrios. She had heard alot of stories to do with his brave and reckless attitude.

Inside the carriage sat 3 people, one of them catching Y/N's eye. To begin with, was a man with pale white hair and bizarre colourful clothes, a strange creature by his side. He looked new.

He was talking animatedly with a tired male, long grey hair and glasses, who didn't seem to be interested. His eyes were glued to a book. She recognised him as Vesper.

Infront of the group was a large muscular man riding on a horse. He looked calm and collected despite the chaotic cheers and words of the villagers around him.

Next to the jester was a purple-haired guy with feathers holding up his ponytail, uninterested in the crowd.
They locked eyes.

The purple abyss within stared into her deep E/C orbs. It felt like a millennium had passed in that moment alone.
They pulled her in deeper as the carriage tumbled past.

'What..?' Blinking, Y/N managed to rip herself away from the hypnotic scene. She watched the carriage go by.
Who was he...?

However, she couldn't dwell on her thoughts as a maniacal laugh occurred.
Almost stepping on a food card that had rolled into the street was a massive red mechanical object, shocking everyone who backed away.

It was so big, she couldn't even see the top as she strained to avoid its massive feet.

'Hell yeah! I could ride this thing for hours~!' She heard a childish voice holler from inside the machine.

That's technology only Xenokumi knights can obtain. Was it perhaps a spoil of their fights?

Y/n backed off a bit, observing as she watched the mech run by. For a split second, she saw a tiny little man in it with red hair and a joyful face inside of it.

He certainly didn't impress anyone with that. The mood had gone sour.
Amused, the blacksmith went inside her home again.

The Tempus Vanguard sounded brave, and they were well-known. However, danger was not unknown outside Elysium.

Outside of where Y/n lived were creatures of the unknown. Corrupting humans, animals and anything they could get their hands on.
Ofcourse, where she lived, was free of this disease.
Most who asked Y/n to craft a weapon for them were planning to confront these animals, for praise or revenge.

They never came back.

I can't help but think that these monsters will only get stronger. I've heard they corrupt humans and pretend to live among us.

Are my parents safe from all this?

Ofcourse, Y/n's own father and mother lived in the inner areas of Elysium, living off their savings.

She would visit them soon. They had been asking for some time with her a lot, and as their daughter, she found it inappropriate to just ignore them..

As she polished a sword from earlier, Y/n wondered.

Who was the man in the carriage? And why did he seem so different compared to the other members?

... His eyes were half lidded, she recalled, and he didn't look too energetic about being in there with the clown and the bookworm.

I shouldn't be thinking about this stuff when I have better things to do.
She scowled. Well...I wish Altare looked at me atleast once.

Regis hasn't talked to me for a while now, has he?

Sighing, she went to her bed and stretched. The day was almost over.

Y/n and Altare had been friends since childhood.
They had always been playing infront of her fathers shop, playing monster and princess.

'Ah...some good times.' She murmured to herself. Sometimes, she wished time would slow down when she was young.

Now Regis was busy fighting actual monsters. He didn't have time for her anymore.
I can't blame him. He must be very challenged with all the pressure of needing to keep Elysium safe.

'Ugh...' Y/n couldn't help it. Attention was something she really couldn't live without, no matter how much she denied it.

Lying down in her bed, she wondered if Altare would ever speak to her again.
It had been months since their last interaction.

I hope he comes, and I can make him some biscuits as he tells me about his day.




adventure! [femreaderxtempus]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora