Chapter 15

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Wen Zhiwen gave Tian Xin several days to make a proposal.

She originally thought that she would wait for a while, but Tian Xin called the next day, saying that it was ready and that she was going to talk to her.

At this time, there were almost no coffee shops and cold drink shops, and there was no place to talk outside, so Wen Zhiwen simply asked Tian Xin to come to her house.

It can be seen that Tian Xin is taking this matter very seriously.

From the plan she made, it can be seen that it should have been carefully transcribed, and the paper is also the best kind of manuscript paper.

Tian Xin didn't know how to do a formal plan, she just wrote on it all kinds of plans for opening her own store, such as site selection, the funds that need to be invested in the early stage, store decoration, and the equipment that needs to be purchased... .The

content is very detailed, specific to all aspects that she can think of.

While Wen Zhiwen was flipping through the proposal, Tian Xin was also secretly looking at Wen Zhiwen who was on the opposite sofa.

Looking at the decoration of this house, Ms. Wen is indeed a rich person. No wonder she is willing to invest in her to open a barber shop. She must perform well today!

After reading the proposal, Wen Zhiwen started to ask Tian Xin casually.

Tian Xin hurriedly sat up straight, knowing that it was time for her to perform.

Wen Zhiwen's first question was: "How did you calculate your initial investment?"

Tian Xin hurriedly explained that because she had the idea of ​​opening a store, she had already inquired about the rent of some locations. And when she worked in the last barbershop, Tian Xin also paid attention to how the boss usually operates, and she probably knows the purchase channels and prices of some hairdressing supplies.

Wen Zhiwen nodded when she heard the words, and asked the second question: "What is your target customer?"

Target customer?

It was the first time Tian Xin heard this word.

Wen Zhiwen explained to her patiently.

Tian Xin understood it all at once, her mind turned quickly, and she immediately thought of the customers of the barbershop last time.

After thinking about it, Tian Xin tentatively said, "I think it's those young people who pursue fashion."

The main reason is that these people have the ability to make money themselves, and they are willing to spend money to dress themselves up.

Hearing Tian Xin's answer, Wen Zhiwen couldn't help giving her a high look.

She felt that Tian Xin's sensitivity was really good!

Wen Zhiwen continued to ask the third question: "The store needs more than one barber, how are you going to recruit people?"

Tian Xin smiled after hearing this: "Don't worry about this, I have a few good sisters who I knew well in the previous store, The skills are good, and they also intend to resign."

Wen Zhiwen: "?"

A moment of silence has already begun for Tian Xin's former boss.

After asking a few more questions, Wen Zhiwen was already very satisfied with Tian Xin.

But some things still need to be made clear in advance: "Tian Xin, if you accept my investment, you must give me a share every month after making a profit. Can you accept this?" Tian Xin nodded: "Yeah, I

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