
After a while of cleaning and a few cups of coffee, I see Topper, Rafe, and their friend Kelce heading over to where we are. Rafe and I haven't talked since our fight, so I decide to give it a shot while we are in a public and safe place. I begin to walk over to them and Rafe keeps eye contact with me the entire time. I stop in front of Rafe and smile up at him. He has a dead and challenged look in his eyes, as he looks down at me.

"Hi," I say, letting him make the next move. He puts his phone in his back pocket and reaches his hand behind my neck. My breath hitches in my throat, but he leans his head down and gently kisses me. He pulls back and looks at me and then kisses me again quickly, on the lips and my forehead. I breathe a sigh of relief and smile up at him. He wraps his arm around my shoulder and I lean into him, hugging his side, knowing our fight from the previous night was forgotten. But I can't help but wonder to myself, should it be forgotten? Should I remember it and be more cautious or should I let it go? I saw a new side of him that day, a more aggressive side. And it shocked me, but only a little. But do I let it go and move on? I decide to leave it alone for today and enjoy the moment I'm sharing with him right now. It's not every day that he hugs me randomly, and I've learned to cherish these moments as they come. 

"Yo, that's Sarah," Kelce says, pointing to Sarah as she squats in front of a young girl. She gestures to the boat and turns back to the girl, their conversation unclear. We watch as she stands up and heads over to a beam that's creating a bridge to the boat and land. Open and exposed wires lay across every surface, making it almost impossible to cross. She steps on the beam, tiptoeing across the wires.

"Sarah, what the hell are you doing?" I yell to her. I go to walk to her, but Rafe grabs my arm and pulls me back. "What?" He just shakes his head at me, and keeps his grip on my arm, keeping me at his side.

"Watch her fall and make a big drama out of it," He says and Topper shakes his head.

"Sarah, get down!" Topper shouts. "Hey, Sarah, be careful!"

"Hey, there's 14,000 volts in those wires!" Someone yells from the deck, and then Rose, Sarah's stepmother steps out.

"Oh, you gotta be kidding me. Sarah, get down now!" She yells at her and I see Sarah laugh at all the yelling.

"Rose calm down! I'm an athlete!" She yells. She says something else but she's too far to hear.

"What the hell is she trying to do!" I yell, looking to Rafe for him to do something.

"Who cares?" Rafe says, his hand remaining on my arm.

"You should care! She could die if she touches those wires," I say, ripping my arm from his grasp. He lowers his head and glares at me, but I stand my ground and begin to walk away from him.

"You're going to get electrocuted! Get down!" Rose continues yelling, but Sarah ignores her demands. Sarah turns to Rose and starts doing a little dance, shaking her shoulders, trying to provoke Rose.

"Sarah! That's not funny!" Topper yells, getting closer and closer to the boat.

"Little fried Sarah," Rafe says from behind me and I turn to glare at him.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I yell at him and he ignores me.

"Rafe, your sister's crazy man," Kelce says and I clench my fists, trying to fight the urge to run over and rip her off the boat myself. We watch Sarah step on the boat.

"I see him!" She calls to the young girl and goes to step on a chair in the boat. She pauses for a split second and then lets out a scream and falls on the boat. And my heart drops to my stomach and I freeze in my place. 

Paradise Bound- an outerbanks fanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora