Chapter 1

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I have been walking..that's all I've been doing all my life. I haven't seen a town or even a village a single time, well not counting when I woke up on the ground in a kind of empty tiny village. That's when I first woke up to know nothing but my name. So confused to what was going on. I remember my only memory, like as if It wasn't just a few days ago.

8 Years Ago~

I feel the air blowing on my skin, the grass touching me as I slowly opened my weak eyes to blinding bright light, as my eyes adjusted to the sun light, I look at myself. I was wearing a white dress, I look around my surroundings. I see people and houses. Women came to my side making sounds and looking at me. It began to hurt my ears. So I covered them. After a long ear acking pain, they led me into a house and gave me food and water.

But I was soon kicked out by a man, he slurred at me with a toxic drink in his hand.

I wasn't scared. I felt anger. The women backed away except one, she stood in front of me. I told her its okay, that I would just leave. But she turned to me to say something, but before she could even say a single word, she was grabbed by the throat by the man. I was now angry.

I feel my knuckles crack as I balled my hand into a fist. My skin began to burn with rage and uncontrollable anger. As this was happening, my neck began to sting, like hot metal touching, burning the fresh skin. I grabbed at my neck to see and feel a necklace. It was blood red and it looked like a really tiny sharp shark tooth. It burned my hand as I held it. I released it and saw that to it didn't leave a mark.

My attention was brought back to a sound of sickly choking. I looked up and it felt like my body split from my mind. I had no control over what I was doing, only knowing that my anger and heavy enrage for the man hold the woman's throat. Making one swift move with my elbow to his shoulder, giving off a beautiful snap, letting me know I broke it. He automatically released the woman's throat from this grasps and he turned, looking my way with an unsteady balance, trying to hold back the horrendous pain of his broken shoulder.

He roughly and angrily reached his other unharmed arm towards me, trying to get a grip on my white dress. I dodged it and then I gracefully jumped, and did a mid-air kick to his face. He stumbled back, covering his face then let his hand fall to his side, looking at me with a face of unspeakable feelings of wanted to see my body fall and die. With that he yelled with pure rage and ran my way, giving it his all to see me run or coward away from his big and angry stature.

My eyes looked at this man with such pity and I laughed at how stubborn he was. He would not give up, even though if anyone was going to would be him. I laughed and a millisecond before he was about to run straight into me, I stepped to my left and he ran into a lonely chair near the wall. That made him trip, breaking the chair and tumbling to the ground, then hitting his head on the wall, making a loud crash sound that echoed around the room.

The women in the room were now slowly walking towards my direction, I had totally forgot they were still here. They looked at me, making such annoying sounds, touching me and then it hit me hard on the back of my head. I suddenly pushed my way through them, and ran to the woman on the ground who was heaving and coughing lowly but roughly. I kneeled down quickly and pick up her now fragile body in my arms as she smiled and tried to speak to me, but I put my finger up to my mouth and hushed her.

She weakly smiled and rest her head on my chest. I held her closer and kissed the woman's head as her breathing was slow going back to normal. I looked around, I saw the broken chair and a big crack on the wall, I slowly looked for the man. He was knock out on the ground..still breathing. Oh how I wished when he hit his head on the wall, that it would have snap his neck, and just let his miserable body fall to the icy ground. My lips curved to a wicked grin as I kept thinking of more horrible ways he could have died but then a loud noise pushed me from my thoughts.

I waved to one of the women to come and take her from my arms so I could scan around the house, so I can look around to find out where that sound came from. A frail, old women walked slowly towards us, I began to growl lowly of how slow she walking, was she doing this on purpose or is she that afraid of me. I waited patiently for the woman to come and hold the woman that I was holding in my arms that was in a seem to be, deep sleep. She final was in front of me and kneels down, bringing her arms on to the woman's in my arms, and brings her to her' chest, holding dearly to her.

I got up and began to search the other rooms. I turned left into a very small hallway, turned towards a room and was introduced to stomach curling; stench room. I gagged at how strong it was, not even halfway through the door. I covered my nose and mouth with my left hand to lessen the impact of the smell. As I walked in the room, I saw a quick black shadow run pass me, into a closet. I felt a weird kind of liquid on my neck. I touch at my neck and pulled back quickly. I looked at my hand and saw it was black, glossy, slick substances.

I look around and I see a really dirty mirror. I walked towards it and saw it was my necklace that was making this liquid. It looked melted but still in tacked. It looked like it was attaching to me, it seemed to me like tiny black vain like glop growing all over my neck and going towards my shoulders. I tried to remove it from my neck, but It was like as if it was glued on to my neck. I pull on it and it wouldn't come off. Then I heard a loud bang coming from the closet.

I walked slowly to the door. When I was in front of the door I heard something fall and move around, I turned the knob slowly and started to open it with my heart beating quickly at the tension. As I fully opened the door I saw something that looked to be a armor suit on the floor, scattered.

Moving the armor suit away and tried to look for the thing that was in here but all I saw was the suit. I looked at the armor again and saw a light come off what looks to be a helmet screen that was been cover by the chest piece. I uncovered my mouth and nose to push the chest piece to the side and picked up the helmet. When I picked it up and looked at it, I saw my necklace was now a bright sun yellow.

Then I feel my necklace begin to pull me down towards the floor. I try to keep my head up, but as I was almost standing straight again my necklace yanked me down hard, making me fall on my hands and knees. I was in so much shock that I didn't hear the sound of my necklace hitting the suit as if it was trying to get somewhere, nothing. Not until I felt a gust of wind coming from the suit as it opened up.

As I broke from my shock, I look at the chest piece that's was now open, releasing cool air that had broke me out of shock. I look for my necklace and see it's in a slot on the chest. I went to pull it out, but it wouldn't come off. I look inside the chest and saw it was too big for me to fit inside. I looked at my necklace, then at the suit and the other pieces of the suit.

I picked up the chest and put the other pieces on a sheet that's was covering the rest of the pieces and pulled them back to the room where the women were.

(Im not done I accidentally published it and now I dont want to finish it XD EVIL ME! I will try to get back on it)
So just ignore what you read, but like it so you can see what I ment to do. Thanks ^0^

Lost and Discoveredحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن