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Warning: gore

When you woke up the first thing you did was check on Price. He was hooked up to life support now, the heart monitor was beeping at a steady pace.

"Figured you'd show up eventually," a British accent says.

"Hey, Ghost," you greet.

"You can't tell anyone what I'm about to tell you."

Your mind raced as it tried to figure out what Ghost could possibly tell you that would require such secrecy. "Okay?"

"You know how when we went on that mission that Price got hurt on there were people who escaped?"


"Well I found 'em," he says.

You smirked, "so what now?"

"I was thinking we could team up and fuck these assholes up."

"Is that even a question? Of course!" You whisper shout.

"We'll need to go now, before everyone else gets up."

You rushed to your room to pull on your vest and arm yourself, you stuffed the pockets to your cargo pants with rounds of ammunition and various other little things. The last thing you grabbed was your rifle, pistol, and switchblade.

You tiptoed out of your room and met with Ghost, getting into an army issued car. "I'll drive," you say. Ghost nods and slides into the passenger seat, you slid into the drivers side, turning the key into the ignition and starting the car.

Your mind was forced to König, he would be so mad at you for doing this, he hated when you put yourself directly into harms way. You knew he wanted to have a future with you, so he was trying to protect you at all costs. This saddened you, the fact that at any given moment something tragic could happen and you wouldn't be able to have that future with him.

Ghost gave you directions to the spot, it was a remote house with a tall chain link fence. There was barbed wire at the top, so you would have to be careful. You climbed the fence, Ghost handed you some wire cutters, which you used to make a gap in the barbed wire. It was big enough for boat you and Ghost to squeeze through with ease. Ghost followed you over the fence, boots thudding on the ground as you landed.

The grass outside of the house was tall and unkempt, it was tall enough for you and Ghost to army crawl through it.

You saw someone guarding the door so you parted the grass slightly and pulled out your silenced rifle, shooting him in the head, Ghost gave you a little fist bump, a small crinkle in his eyes indicating he was smiling at you. You smirked back, a mischievous glint in your eyes, you wanted to cause these guys so much pain and suffering for what they did to Price. You didn't care if it came at a price of your own sanity, or others for that matter, you wanted to leave your mark and make this this most sickening thing to stumble across.

Every action you made from then on would purposely bring out pain for them, a guy sat healing at your feet, you had smashed his head with a beer bottle from the kitchen counter, "Bitte, don't kill me."

You laughed, slicing open his neck enough for the gurgling noises of him choking on his own blood to reach your ears. You looked over to Ghost who was dragging a man by his feet into the bedroom, the man was clawing at anything to get away from Ghost. His nail marks left deep gashes in the hard wood flooring beneath him.

You attacked another guy, gathering his neck in your hands and squeezing, you heard screams from the direction Ghost dragged the man in. You chuckled, feeling the man in your hands begin to go limp, this caused you to scoff loudly and snap his neck.

Stone Cold Crazy <König x fem reader fanfic>حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن