Moving to my new home

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                  (Children's hospital outfit)

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                  (Children's hospital outfit)

             Charlotte POV
     I walk into the house. "Wow it's beautiful," I hug my kitchen island. "This will be nice to cook dinner for team dinners watch Sunday football." Henry says "There's a guest house for the security they have a kitchen so don't worry," Sam says entering the house. I smile "This is amazing," I flop onto the couch. "You should see the basement. Your parents redid it so you and your whole football team can watch games," I run down the stairs "Holly Cow" I smile. "Your team will love this," I giggle as Henry jumps on the couch next to me. I curl up in his arms. He kisses my forehead I close my eyes. He turns on Michigan Wolverines football game. He rubs my arm comfortably. I smile as we go to fire pit and have a fire pit.


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       The next day I smile walking to my car

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       The next day I smile walking to my car. I have the morning off because the bathroom flooded so school was delayed. I went to a children's hospital. No one knows I was coming. Sam messaged me
   Sam: you are all set. 
I drive to the hospital I step out of the car waving at the cameras. I shake hands with some of the crowd. I smile squatting down taking flowers from some children. "Good morning your majesty it's a pleasure to meet you," the director said he bows "Please call Charlotte I heard there's little Princes and Princesses in the art room," I hear giggling from the room. I smile putting on a mask so no germs will be shared. "Good morning children I have a surprise for everyone. We are going to make our own tiaras." The kids cheered. I spend two hours decorating tiaras and meeting with the kids who were too sick to come down. I promised I will visit again. I run into the school 5 minutes before school started I quickly changed changing my heels to sneakers. I hop to my locker "Wow world record," Henry said approaching. "I know it's crazy, but I wanted to spend time with kids," I grab my books. Smiling at him "Would you to busy to go out for a dinner?" He asks "I would love to," I answered. I put the pictures that the kids drew for me in my locker. "Where did you go to this morning?" Henry asks. "To the children's hospital, we made tiaras and colored pictures." I answered.
After school I quickly change I get dressed. The guards stand around at a distance. Three hours of practice I collapse onto the field. The guards run over "Are you ok?" One asked. "Yes you want to try to do 3 miles and drills for three hours," I sit up they laugh. I stand up walking to the locker room. I go to the parking lot I see a note 'Better watch your back princess,' I go pale but I shove it into my pocket. I drive to my house I call my mom. "Hey mom how are you?" I ask. "Busy, how's the new house?" She asks "It's amazing thank you Henry loves it as well." I answer "Great I saw you made a appearance at the children's hospital this morning," "Yes that's amazing I loved it the kids were great." We talk the whole ride home trying to avoid thinking of the note. I smile getting home "Thank goodness I have a hot tub," I mumble I put on a one piece getting in reading a book texting Henry
Hey I just got home
Awesome I'm working tonight Mr. John says hi and he misses you
I smile. I miss him and all of the customers. I'm working tomorrow after practice. I lean back relaxing in the hot tub for a hour.

Princess???Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant