Chapter 01

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I froze when I heard the name. It couldn't be. I moved my head to the side, trying to get a better look of the boy, only to discover that indeed, in front of me, stood Jeon Jungkook.

Heejin smiled warmly and got off the stage to see if he was okay. I watched her greet him and explain to the others who he was, I however, couldn't believe my eyes. I stayed put, staring at him until his head turned to the side and we made eye contact, I quickly looked away.

So, what if he's here. I don't care. It's been four years. I'm sure he's forgotten all about me.

Five minutes later, Heejin was back on the set next to me, and we began our eleventh take but I couldn't stop thinking about Jungkook just standing there, watching us. I kept wondering about what he must have been thinking right now, did he know I was going to be here? Did I look ridiculous to him? But why would I? I was an actor now, there's nothing funny about that.

I took control of my breathing and focused back on my co-star, I wouldn't let this affect my performance, not when this series meant as much to me as it did. We finally managed to get most of the scenes, but now the director wanted to do some close-up shots and made us reenact the first scenes and focus on using our facial expressions which weren't my strongest suit. I did my best to bring out the emotions my character would be feeling right now, love for the woman standing in front of me, tenderness and adoration for her every little action but everything hidden behind my eyes and the secret feelings I had for her.

Shooting the kitchen scene and the living room one had taken us four hours total as well as an hour break for lunch, about two hours ago. Right now, the director and his team were reviewing the footage to see if they had everything they wanted while Heejin and I waited.

"So, I heard some creep bothered you last night. Are you okay?"

"I'm scared, I didn't say anything because I didn't want to make a big deal but, that wasn't the first time that guy came to me. He's been waiting outside the studio every day for weeks now. He's even followed me to a restaurant once" I worried as I could hear the fear in my friend's voice so I leaned in and took her hand in mine, rubbing my thumb over it in a soothing manner.

"Then you did good on hiring someone to protect you. You shouldn't take any chances, Heejin"

"Exactly" She looked down and nodded her head. "Jungkook is amazing, supposedly. I heard he was Sungho's bodyguard for four months. He said he was the best, very discreet, but very good at his job. He also worked with a friend of mine for a week when she was in Paris, and she said the same"

"Well then, you have nothing to worry about"

One of the assistant directors came to tell us we needed to reshoot one part before they could let both of us go. Between the lighting, the prepping and everything, reshooting that one scene ended up taking us about an hour and half until the director finally yelled cut and announced the end of the shoot for today.

I sighed and broke character, my feet were sore from standing up for so long and I my eyes were itching from the makeup they had put on me. I went to change back into my own clothes and take off some of the makeup hoping it would make the itching go away before grabbing my bag and walking across the stage, ready to leave.

"Taehyung, wait!" Heejin ran towards me, she was still wearing her character's clothes, a purple summer dress and her hair was halfway undone, but even like that she was perfect. She looked at me with her big eyes, a delicate smile stretching over her light pink painted lips in an effort to make her makeup look natural. 

"Me and some of the crew members are going for a drink tonight at Copper's bar, care to join?"

"Sure, I'd love to. When are you going?"

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