You were at a loss for words. She was correct in a way. You were the one who was furthest behind in a pile. Helping others slowed your progress and of course, they wouldn't vouch for you. No one ever did, especially when Kujou was involved.
Hanging your head, you accepted her decision. The nonchalant boy looked on with eyes of amusement, his lips curling up into a smirk.

"If that's all, you are to report directly to Y/n from now on. I expect the two of you to become acquainted and get along." With that, Kujou Sara left the two of you with quick strides.

Once she was out of earshot, you turned to your new forced companion and quickly began voicing your frustrations with this 'Heizou.'

"You're supposed to be put into training, yet you intentionally got me yelled at by Kujou of all people and now I have to work alongside you!" His only responses were a series of snorts and snickers. "As I understand, we're only working together temporarily, so I didn't think you'd be all that mad." He fell back into a nearby chair twirling side to side.

"Well, you thought wrong. While I love my job, I have no intentions of working overtime, especially with you."

"Relax, I can assure you this is only temporary. I don't like being burdened on others." He reassured.

You rolled your eyes at his words and returned to work with a huff. He snuffled a chuckle and went through the files sprawled over your desk familiarizing himself with your work. Before long he was taking notes instead of just looking through the papers.

Several hours flew past with the two of you not speaking since earlier. Glancing up you looked over to see him still taking notes, quietly mumbling to himself. 'So many notes from so little information...' you remarked to yourself.

In his train of thought he looked serious for once. Furrowed brow, and a focused gaze, he concentrated intently on his notes and untouched documents you've neglected to read through over the past week. If you didn't know any better you'd believe he figured out the case from merely looking at unfinished documentation and loose-ended written statements.

You shook off the thought you stood up and went about grabbing your things to leave. He snapped out of his concentration at the sight of your hand.
"Leaving already?" He asked genuinely unaware of the time.

"It's been six hours." You went about shuffling your papers into a neat pile, grabbed one of the papers closest to him, and frowned.

"This isn't your case you know." His face turned devious before standing to join you.

"Well, technically my dearest [Y/n] it's our case now" He proclaimed.

"That's what you wanted." You huffed.

"That is correct." He nodded in agreement. He slipped an arm around your shoulder and pulled you in closer.

Pressed against his side, you caught a whiff of his scent. His cologne was light but with an intoxicating scent. Like an exotic flower, it would be a pleasant smell if not mixed in with his own musk. 'Who wears cologne to the police station?' You thought. However, his powdery scent was enticing and the way his toned arm gently squeezed your shoulder was endearing.

"Now you're stuck with me." He finished with a light nudge. The gesture alone was playful banter yet it made your heart flutter.

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