When they meet you

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-You had just moved to Salsbury. You were exploring the town minding your own business. Then all of a sudden you see a helicopter flying right above you, you flinch, but as you did that you accidently bumped into someone. You quickly turn around to apologize to see a very good-looking guy around your age. You quickly apologize "I-I am so sorry." you bet if you could see yourself you would look like a tomato. The guy starts to speak. "No, I'm sorry I should have watched where i was going" he said. You couldn't help but blush a little more, bow your head politely, and you take off running the other way.  Jackson giggled a little then went to go find Alma.  


  -You were morning the loss of a loved one when out of the corner of your eyes you see a girl walking towards you. You were still crying at the grave of your loved one. She sat down beside you with her dog, you slowly looked over at her and saw she was already looking at you. "Hey uhm I'm sorry for your loss". Since you were suddenly embarrassed you quickly wiped your tears and tried to clean yourself up a bit. "Oh no don't worry me and coffin will not judge you for crying we understand your pain I lost my mom a while ago." Suddenly feeling bad you apologized "I'm sorry about your mom passing." She quickly corrected you, 'oh no she didn't die she just left me and my dad." You were embarrassed to say the least. You quickly said goodbye to the girl and her dog then ran off to the close. Alma got up and all she could think about was you and your sweet voice.

lieutenant raft (I'm going to try my best with the little information we know about him)

-You had just arrived at Salisbury and were heading outside the airport with all your luggage when you spotted one of your best friends Dr.Sarah Cawley, you made your way towards her, she spotted you almost immediately. "Ah- y/n I missed you so much I'm glad you could make it." "I'm glad I could come and meet my best friend on one of her most important sites." you replied happily. She took one of your bags then you started to walk to a land rover, she started to put your bags in the back then you got in the car immediately you noticed the driver of the land rover, he looked very serious and didn't seem to enjoy the company of you two so much. Sarah decided to introduce you to him "well y/n this is lieutenant raft, Lieutenant wraith this is y/n my best friend." she said with a big smile. You gave the lieutenant a smile in the rear-view mirror, he only replied with a grunt and the same emotionless gaze. The rest of the car ride to the house was only you and Sarah talking about how your lives are going and catching up while lieutenant raft just stayed silent.

sergeant Tillman

-You had just arrived at the house where you would be staying with your best friend and partner Dr. Sarah Cawley, when you walked in the front door you were greeted by a soldier who asked if you would please follow him. You followed him as you were told to stay there, you were waiting in the living area, soon enough the same soldier opened the door with another man this one was slightly taller and look a lot more muscular than the soldier. You quickly looked away as you noticed you were starring, the man walked up to you and introduced himself, "hello Y/n I'm sergeant Tillman I'll be your private escort and bodyguard while you stay here." he had a genuine smile on his face as he introduced himself, "well i guess I don't really need to introduce myself considering you already know who I am."  You replied with a slight giggle. For the rest of the night, you just got to know a little about the other until you decided to head to bed and sleep for your studies tomorrow. All night you were the only thing on Tillmans mind.

Skullface/ Ramid

-You were a doctor who studied creatures like Ramid so when you found out that they had this creature in captivity you were very excited to get into finding out more about this creature. You had just arrived you started speed walking to the room number where 'Ramid' was being held. The moment you entered the room you were shocked; this creature was huge and defiantly something you had never seen before. The creature spotted you and started banging on the glass keeping it contained but the glass held. The creature started pacing while you were talking with the other scientists about what exactly they had found on this creature. While they were talking, you couldn't help but slowly walk up to the creatures' cell and look at it. it was certainly interesting to say the least. You saw the creature walk up to where you stood looking at it when it stopped with only the glass in between you and it you stared into the creature's blood red eyes. Then you snapped out of whatever trance you were in and walked away to leave the room to run some experiments on the samples they got of the creature. The creature only watched you walk away in silence. Starring at only you and thinking of how it could get closer to you the next time you were near it. 

Dr. Sarah Cawley

-You were a doctor who was assigned to Sarah Cawley as your patient, you had to go check on her for her next meal and give her the correct medicine, as you walked in you saw Sarah Cawley drawing on the walls with her lipstick you rush over to her to check on her. "Dr.Cawley how about we go sit down and not use our lipstick to draw on the walls." you said nicely, Dr.Cawley turned around to face you immediately her face softened, she said "Ok if that's what you want Dr. Y/n." She said with a kind smile then walked to her bed, put her lipstick away and then sat down on the bed you gave her the medication and wished her good night and left the room making sure you locked it on your way out. All Dr. Cawley could think about was your facial features and just you in general. She fell asleep thinking about you.

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