Part thirty-four

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"So she doesn't know about, Louis?"

I shrug.

"I guess not really. No."

She nods, one of her legs crossing over the other, this unnecessary dramatic pause taking over the room. My eyes just begin to skim about, everything feeling a tad awkward.

"Are you planning to tell her anytime soon?"

I look back.

"I mean if it all works out at the end, most likely."

"What do you mean if it all works out at the end?"

I roll my eyes this time, not refraining. She obviously knows what I mean by my words, but of course she wants me to keep on explaining and explaining until I thin to thread.

"You know. If, Louis and I still like keep contact with one another."

"If? I'm sensing you have doubts."

I sigh, my fingers going to my forehead as they dig themselves on the side, massaging my right temple.

"He's famous and just might not have time for me twenty-four seven. He might get bored and just live his life to you know, not be."

She doesn't say anything, just writes and I slump myself more in my chair, my eyes scanning all the books on the left side of the room. They all look so arrogant. Those books just have all the information to what normal is and apparently can tell you who you are as a person, what your misfortune is.

It makes me sick.

"Now you mentioned, Gene earlier."

I glance back at her, nodding slowly.

"You said she's hiding things."

I nod again, hesitantly.

"Did she go dress shopping with you two?"

My eyes go down to my lap, the thoughts of the other day kind of hitting the walls in my mind, wanting to come out, but uncertainty chaining them back.

I mouth a 'no'.

She nods.

"How did you feel about that?"

How did I feel about that?

I felt sucky, no, shitty actually. She did wrong with the whole party thing from weeks ago, but fuck. I think she's messing herself up more than she has with me. She's just so complicated. She's like a fucking light switch, turning on and off and on and off and on and off until one day she's going to fucking burn out the light bulb. And what's going to happen then?

There's going to be complete darkness and a broken switch.

"My mother offered her to come along."


"She said she had other plans."

I shake my head as the words play out from the device. I remember how grey her eyes looked. My mum responded to her that it would be fun if she would tag along, that she could buy, Gene a new dress too and just make a day of it.

Gene, had no expression on her face, she was just holding her box of cigarettes too tight in her grasp.

"Dress shopping, huh?" she whispered, a bit of hope filling my chest, my mum smiling wide and placing her hands on both of Gene's bony shoulders.

Silent Laughter (Louis Tomlinson Fan-Fic) Book 3Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat