Chapter 2

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    It's your first day of work. You walk down the creepy hall way. Suddenly, you hear a little girl crying and whimpering. "Hello?.." You say next to the door where the sounds were coming from. "W-What day is it?.." The little girl said through tears. "It's the 21st of may, year 1984..Why?" You reply in a scared tone. "I've been here for years.." The girl whispered.  Before you could answer, the  mysterious doctor opened the door. "What are you doing Y/N? Is everything alright?..~" He chuckled. "Ah, nothing. I thought I heard something..". Dottores eyes widened. "Come here." He said. You walked quickly towards him. "That's Crystal." He said. "That's a gorgeous name." You replied. "Not as pretty as yours." He  said with a flirty tone while wrapping hid arms around your waist. "Right..anyway, what should I do for you?" You asked. His face turned serious. "Sign these papers. I'll give you a reward.". You sign the papers. As you sign them, you notice Dottore glancing at you. After some wasn't was staring. "Why are you looking at me like that?.."...he replied with "I'm making sure your doing your job. Are you done?"
"Not yet." You reply terrified. After a few minutes you hand them back. As your..erm.."reward" Dottore smiled and put you on his lap, while stroking your back. "Ah..Dottore? What are you doing?" "You can relax. Don't worry about it." He grinned. After some hours, you ask him if he needs something. He dosen't respond. He keeps staring at his screen. "Explore the facility." He was more like a demand though. You walk out of the room. You go to the door where you heard Crystals voice. "Crystal? It's me again. I told you the date, remember?".."Yeah." She said in a weak voice. "Why are you here?.." You asked. "I.." As she was replying, you could hear Crystal stop talking. A few minutes later, she started screaming. You back away gently. She kept yelling "Help me!". After yelling for some minutes, she stopped. "W-Wait N-!" Those were the last words you heard. Until muffled screams appeared of course. You run back into Dottores office. He..wasn't there? "Turn around.." A deep voice said. You turn around, just to see Dottore standing there. "You heard her, didn't you? Well, don't worry.". Dottore opened a drawer. It contained many knives. "Hold it.". He said. You pick it up. He looks down at you. Dottore smiled. He snatched the knife back and put it in the drawer. You heard whispers. Suddenly a woman barged into the room. She had a cigarette in her mouth. "She's gone, lord Dottore." The woman said with a cold voice. "Ah, that's a shame. Now shoo, I don't want you scaring my little assistant." "Pfft, hope you last kid." . I stare up st her, not a word escaping my mouth. The woman left. Dottore rubbed your shoulders. He leaned down. "I know what you were thinking last night, words ran through your head, listen to them." He whispered in your ear. You wake up panicking. Your mother was next to you. "Ahh!" You yell. "Your late for your job interview." She said. It was a dream. But Crystal is real.

Check your door tonight.

The end. Stay tuned. Don't forget to lock your door.

The darkOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora