chapter 9

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While simba and alex were talking about the plan to new york gia came in. "Hey hi." The lion said "I admire that you inspired these animals." Gia told them. "It was nothing really." Simba shrugged with smile.
"And what do you said about passion was like a poetry." The jaguar asked. "Oh i like passion and poetry i know it doesn't rhyme." Alex said "Trapeze is my passion." The jaguar added "terrific i looked forward for you to be up there." Alex told her.
"You can teach me." Gia suggested "you want alex to teach you?" Simba asked.
"well i've always been kind of a solo act so
That kind rules that out." Alex said. "I wonder if you actually do trapeze." Gia smirked "Oh i actually do do trapeze." Alex added "Show me." Gia asked "show me what are we five?" Alex asked
"I am five yes." Gia smiled and alex sighed in defeat "have fun with trapeze man." Simba said "really" alex said looking at simba weirdly after that melaman begins climbing the ladder "Dancing all you do is moving not getting you anywhere i mean the music totally throws off my timing you want excitement haha check out who on a tightrope huh?" Melman asked as he realized that he is afraid of heights Gloria saw him on the tightrope so she climbs up
"Calm down melman." She said it's really easy ok all you have to do it put it around your partner." Gloria suggested the cartoon video game song do the koopa begins to play. As they were dancing Stefano flew right past by them.
Trapeze Americano
Alex and gia are ready to do their act as the music gusty garden galaxy begins to play.
"Ok alrighty." Alex said "So when do get the jetpacks and aquatic cobras?" She asked in excitement. "This is beginners class and that's pretty advanced maneuver." He said
"Ok so how do we begin?" Gia asked.
"Well it's a bit complicated unless you understand the whole pitch and yaw arc and gravity and all of that stuff won't bore you with ok." Alex explained as he take a breath before he jumps.
"You need a push." The jaguar asked
"No" alex answered
Gia giggled at that "Just watch and learn."
Alex told her. Gia gently pushes him and he swung and clumsily flipped onto the next one before catching the other platform with his teeth. Gia followed suit but did it more skilfully. "Like that?" Gia asked "That's one way to do it sure." Alex agreed
Then he accidently let's go of the platform
And launches himself to another line and bang the back of his head and lands on the net and sprung himself then he use his tail
To keep him from falling "you use the net."
She said "Yes trapeze Americano we use the net." Alex said. Then gia did the same thing
That alex did and again more skilfully
"Trapeze Americano" gia cheered.
As they continued doing tricks simba and bagheera watched the whole performance.
Then when alex flipped and tried to get the next line he falls then gia caught him and landed on the platform she was about to fall but alex caught her as they spun then
Stopped with alex dipping her. Gia laughed
A little bit then he helped her up.
"Wow." Gia exclaimed after that simba bounce off the red spring into the air and
Air boosted straight to alex and gia as they
Got knocked over and landed on the net all
Three of the cats were laughing while bouncing.
The circus animals were cheering at the performance "E bravo bravissima vitaly
Maybe you should do 2 hoops no." Stefano
Suggested to the Russian tiger.
Diego saw the performance but the sabertooth tiger decided to be alone.
Simba went with the other on the train.
"I do believe we're going to be ready." He said "Are you sure were ready sanic." Stefano asked getting simba's nickname wrong. "Oh yeah i'm born ready come on guys let's go." Simba cheered. "You heard the hedgehog boy everyone grab your luggage and your drain bladders it's going to be a long ride." Skipper called. As the animals got on the train and head to london. " Alright London here we come.
Alex said as the animals cheered.

Gusty garden galaxy is from the old video game super mario galaxy i thought maybe
Use that music with alex and gia's trapeze
I mean it really good music i'm not gonna lie.

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