Day 5, continuous, pondering

ابدأ من البداية




Shadow's POV

WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME...oh yeah I'm in love...but still I can't act like this anymore this is the last mess up, pull yourself together shadow you the ultimate life form for chao's sake!

She finishes with the wraps and takes me to the couch. I'm acting a little bit awkward, I'm usually good at hiding this type of stuff but today it feels like something eating at me, who knew butterflies could bite...

She starts to make breakfast, making pancake mix and getting all her other ingredients out, it makes me think, if she like me and we got together (which will never happen...) would she make breakfast for us every morning? would we live together, or would she wanna wait until we're married to do that? I wonder if she would make more of those cookies... maybe we could even bake together, Maria used to talk about love, mostly only the family type of love but when she did tell me about more of a romantic type of love, she told me that girls like doing stuff like activities and doing sweet stuff like cooking or baking together...something she wanted to do with her future lover when she got to earth. The people on the ark wouldn't let her make her food they said it was too dangerous for her, I wonder if Amy would like to do that with me if we became a couple.

if we did get married, would she still want to work? I mean the amount of money I make in a week is probably the amount she makes in a month but she did say that she loved her bakery when she first got it a couple of years ago when she was 19 she worked hard to get that money even though it was half the original price mostly because she was a hero of Moebius but still it's a lot of money for a teen to save up and she wouldn't let rouge or anyone else help her in the costs. She is very stubborn.

Before any of that would happen I would have to take her on a date, right? Maybe I could take her to that place I like, the best sunset in Moebius as I call it.... Or maybe the ark, I haven't been there in a while, but it does have an amazing view of the earth that I'm sure Rose would love to see... that probably wouldn't be our first date though.

Maybe when we are older, we can have kids, maybe three. I would even have 10 of them if she wanted.... I slap myself in the face... no, like literally I physically slap myself in the face I shouldn't get my hopes up I mean kids I don't even think she would go on a second date with me if she would even take up the first one.... I need to stop being so uncharacteristic this isn't like me!!! I'm sharp-witted, brooding and badass, not a corny, lovesick hedgehog...she would never date me, I don't even know what love is, Rose wouldn't want to make breakfast for me every day and cook food I will just be a nuisance, just like right now, I'm wasting her money I don't even need to eat... she would never have kids with me.

She'd probably be scared they would turn out to be freakish monsters like me.... and" I blush "I don't think we would ever be in a situation that would lead up to having kids... and she wouldn't want to bake with me either I mean I don't even know how to, I doubt she would appreciate me wasting all her ingredients" Again my thoughts get interrupted by a plate clanking on the small table in front of me.

I see Rose, looking at me with a sweet smile as she pats the baking powder off her apron, the apron she has on is pink, very pink. It's quite frilly, and Lacey. The words on it say kiss the Cook, and have a bunch of hearts on it.... "Kiss the Cook huh I wish..." I mumble... "hmm? What do you say Shad's?" She said, with a confused face, my face stays neutral as I tell her "It's nothing important" she gives me a serious look as she glares at me "Shadow don't lie to me you've been acting weird all day what's wrong?" She says, putting her hand on my shoulder.

'I can't tell her what I'm feeling I would just end up being awkward and she would be awkward because she would try to put it nicely, which would make it even more awkward so I lie "it's nothing now stop touching me" I say very obviously annoyed, she gives me a pout, but then she looks at me serious again "shadow I'm worried about you...." as she says this she waits a couple of seconds until she gives me a devious smirk 'Oh no, what is she thinking of now?' "Well, if you're not going to tell me, then I'll guess I'll do...... THIS!!!" She pounces on me not enough to hurt me or damage my wounds, but enough to make me a jerk. She wraps her arms around me, since she's a head shorter than me, her face is on my chest.

The ultimate caretaker (a shadamy story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن