Chapter 2: Life At My School

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It  was 7 in the morning when my older sister, Ari, came in to wake me up, "Wake up mom wants us out the door at 7:40, so get ready." Ari said leaving my room, "Ok" I said getting up from bed. I grabbed some clothes, put them on, then packed my bag. I went downstairs to find Ari watching tv. I walk over to our kitchen and grab some cereal, I go to the table, sit down, then start to eat when my mom walks over and sat down with her hot coffee. "Are you excited for your first day at your new school?" My mom asked, "Mhm sure." I said, "Good!" My mom said, she started to sip her coffee. I don't know why I said sure when I'm really not. I mean like who is ever happy for your first day at a new school? Besides, I get bullied a lot at my old school because well I had no friends and I'm not a "Girly girl"  

But going to a new school with no one you know but your older, mean, sister? That's kinda brutal. After I finished my last bite of cereal, I went to get on my shoes. "Let's go it's already 7:40!" My mother said grabbing the car keys from the hook, "Ok." Ari said grabbing her bag and phone. I grabbed my stuff too. We went outside and got in the car and went to school. I stared out the window looking at all the signs, I did this because my father and I loved to play games where we find the alphabet on billboards before we get somewhere, but since he is on a work trip, we can't really do that right now...

When we got to school my sister saw her old friend and jumped out to run to her and hug her. "You wanna get out?" My mom asked, "No let's go home and uh maybe get Starbucks yeah let's go!" I said with a cracky voice, "It's ok! Just do your best then after school we can go home! I love you!" she said blowing me a kiss, "Love you too!" I said getting out of the car. I started to walk up to the school. I looked back at my mom, she waved then drove away. There were a lot of people at this school. I gulped. I started to walk into the school building, I was trying so hard not to get pushed but I still got pushed no matter what. I walked into the building looking at all the middle school and junior high class rooms. I did not know anyone, I did not even know where Ari was.

I heard the bell ring, kids started to scream and run to their classes. I opened my backpack and grabbed the paper to show where all my classes were. "Ok room 105... the history room." I said looking above all the doors to see the numbers and find room 105. I looked to my right and saw my classroom, I had to get there fast, I only had 1 minute to get to my class!!

I started to run inside and saw the teacher, "Um hi uh I'm new here uh where do I sit?" I asked the teacher, "Oh hi I'm Ms. Vake you sit over there!" She said pointing to an open desk. I nodded and walked over to the desk and took a seat. "Class we have a new student! Elizabeth! Please be kind to her and make this class feel like home!" Ms. Vake said, pointing to me, I slid down into my desk, there were a lot of eyes looking at me, then those eyes turned away. As the class went on I tried to enjoy it but it felt like a nightmare. I mean like I've already learned this stuff, there was a lot of talking, and I knew nobody there.

When the bell rang I opened my bag to see my next class, gym class. I started to walk to the gym when a group of boys walked up to me. "Um please move." I said looking down trying to move, but they stopped me, "So the new kid. Welcome I guess." one of the taller boys said, "Listen" The boy in the middle said walking closer, "When you see us, MOVE AWAY!" He screamed, they walked off I kinda just stayed there in shock not even able to think about what just happened. I started to walk to the gym class, thinking on what to do if I meet them again. I walked up to the gym coach, "Hello uh where do I go? I'm new to this school." I asked the tall, strong man, "Oh yes hi my name is coach S, go ahead and sit on the bleachers please and thank you." He said turning around, "Ok thanks." I walked over to the bleachers and took a seat.

"Alright class, first we are all gonna go run our 3 laps, so go go go!" He said moving his hands up and down. I got up and started to run around the gym, when I finished I went to my water bottle and took a big sip of water. "Ok today is free gym day so you can walk around, play sports, play tag, and do whatever as long as you are moving I do not care." Coach S said walking to grab the sports balls. I got up, having no idea on what I was going to do I mean I love soccer but all the boys were playing and well you know I did not want to be the only girl on the team playing sports.

I looked around and saw a basketball, it was the last one. I walked over and tried to grab it when the boys from early grabbed it out of my hands. I heard him taking a deep breath and was about to talk but before he could I ran away.

I got to an empty corner think on what to do, I went over to the sports ball bin to only see one ball, a flat volleyball. I picked it up and started to walk around the gym. I started to bump the ball up and down when once again more people came up to me but this time it was a group of girls, "Oh uh Hello-" I tried to say but they stopped me, "Eh eh eh." A blonde girl said looking into my eyes, all we need is that ball." "Oh uh well I was about to start using it." I said holding the ball closer, "Well we need it so give it before things get worse!" A brown haired girl said. They took the ball out of my hands and left.

I walked back to my water bottle and hoped this won't get any worse, more people started to walk up to me but then the bell rang. Saved by the bell in real life!

As the day went on it was pretty ok, but when lunch hit that was when things got worse. I sat down at a blank table and started to eat when a bunch of 8th grades pushed me out of my seat and stole the table. I got up and brushed myself off and looked to find another table, but there was none open, not even a tiny little spot. So the best option here was to eat somewhere else...

So I went into the bathroom...

But to my shock, it was empty. I went into one of the many stalls and started to eat, yes it was not the most sanitary place but it was better then starving and besides the cleaning lady came and cleaned the bathrooms before lunch time so I hope I'm OK.

I finished my lunch and went to my class. It was pretty boring, I had math, english, and STEM. And sadly in each class, there was a "pick a group project".  how was I meant to do that!?
I did not know anyone there! So I just acted like I was in a group but I was really just alone.

When I heard the bell to let us leave, I was so happy to get out of school.

I walked outside with my stuff then looked for my moms car. When I found it I went over and got in. "Hey sugarplum! How was your first day at school?" My mom asked welcoming me back from school. "Not great but oh well." I said looking out the window, "Anyways where is Ari?" I asked, "Oh she is with her new friend! They wanted to hang out." My mom replied, "Oh great at least one of us has friends at school." I said, rolling my eyes, "Hey it's ok." My mom said patting me on the back, "Lets go home, ok?" "Ok mom, love you" "Love you too hun!" My mom started the car and we went home

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